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Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are two of the most common methods used to assess system reliability. FTA identifies potential failure modes, while FMECA eliminates those which have a negligible impact on system reliability. When analyzing the overall system level for an aircraft such as the IGB, both techniques should be employed in order to get a full picture of potential failure risks. This analysis should include both pre-flight and in flight conditions to ensure a complete understanding.

When performing an FTA analysis at the system level, it is important to consider all possible failure paths that could lead to damage or malfunction of any component(s). Each component within the scope should then be broken down into its basic sub-components (e.g., individual valves), with each one receiving a separate detailed analysis of fault paths leading up to its own failure. A logical diagram should then be created showing how components interact with each other and what effect this interaction has on system reliability overall. The results from this analysis can then be combined with those from FMECA in order to determine which parts are most critical for success or risk major issues if they fail during operation .

When evaluating an aircraft’s main gearbox lubrication system using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), several key areas must first be identified: What is being lubricated?; What type of lubricant is being used?; How often does it need changing?; What would happen if it failed/ran out? These questions can help identify points where failures could occur and where corrective action may need to be taken prior or during operation in order to prevent further harm from occurring . Additionally, by looking at Figure 3, additional components within the gearbox can also be analyzed separately via direct input data, allowing engineers more control over their evaluation process . This includes analyzing valve performance along with any built-in redundancy which helps ensure maximum safety during operation .

In addition to Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) should also be utilized when assessing transmission systems such as those found in aircraft engines like the IGB mentioned earlier due its extensive capabilities when dealing with faults including latent defects that might not necessarily appear until later stages of use . This method works by breaking down components into their function/structure units before assigning them various levels of criticality depending on how much impact they will have on overall operations if they fail . It also provides information about possible causes for these faults so that designers/engineers may go back and make changes accordingly prior or after production has begun depending upon severity . Once again looking at Figure 3 we see additional information about fault cause & additionally probable effects caused by specific contingencies within certain components , providing engineers more flexibility when making decisions related operational safety strategies .

Additionally , additional maintenance actions may need consideration such as pre-defined condition monitoring procedures regarding dormant faults & replacement intervals for certain parts based off cumulative usage duration & expected longevity ratings given at dispatch time , ensuring maximum efficiency across entire lifespan without having unnecessary downtime due faulty parts far too soon compared their rated life expectancy values provided at manufacture stage .. Furthermore , further investigation through research conducted either internally via company resources (i.e.: expertise gained over years working on similar projects ) externally through established industry norms & commonly accepted practices devised by regulatory bodies set forth help provide engineers better assessment criteria upon project progression .. In conclusion , thoroughly researching material presented here along with extra references acquired outside source helps mitigate risk associated operating modern day machinery thus ultimately increasing chance success amongst multiple facets ranging anywhere maintenance schedules bottom line cost savings – ultimately enhancing value product delivered consumer market ..

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