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Racial and class stratification are two of the most fundamental social inequalities in modern society, with effects that reverberate throughout every aspect of life including family formation. As discussed in Richard Shaefer’s Racial and Ethnic Groups text, racial stratification is a system in which certain groups are given access to more resources than others, while class stratification involves different groupings of people based on their socio-economic positions within a society. These systems create disparities in wealth and power between different races and classes as well as across generations due to inheritance patterns. This article will explore how racial and class stratification impact families by discussing some examples from the readings assigned for weeks 6 & 7 (Shaefer & Edin, Ananat et al., Roberts, Odom-Young).

First, racial stratification can lead to restricted marriage opportunities for those who belong to minority or marginalized groups. In the US this often means that members of minority communities have fewer potential marriage partners due to low levels of intermarriage across racial lines. This has been particularly true for African Americans; according to research conducted by Kathryn Edin & Maria Kefalas outlined by Robert Shaefer (2005), “the Black population is segregated from Whites not only economically but also socially . . . Black women find it extremely difficult to marry into White middle-class neighborhoods” (p. 352). In addition to limiting choices in marital partners, this segregation creates economic disadvantages for black families; research conducted by Anant et al shows that there is an inverse relationship between poverty rates among black families and the chance they will be able to marry someone outside their race (2014).

The implications extend beyond restrictions on marriage opportunities; racial inequality affects income levels among married couples even when both spouses come from similar backgrounds. Research conducted by Kerwin Charles & Ming Ching Luoh show that income disparities between white couples remain constant regardless of whether they both come from working-class backgrounds or middle-class backgrounds whereas income disparity tends increase between black couples when one spouse comes from a working -class background compared with when both spouses come from middle-class backgrounds(2004)These kinds of economic inequities create numerous stressors for families such as difficulty affording basic necessities like housing or food which can further destabilize family structures over time.

Class stratification also impacts family dynamics through differential accesses to education or job opportunities which may limit potential mates within a given social stratum but also lead to broader consequences such as increased infant mortality rates among lower classes due lack resources needed during pregnancy (Odom Young 2019). Additionally Robert’s states there may be higher risks associated with being born into lower socioeconomic status because parents facing limited financial options might choose unfavorable living situations such as overcrowded homes leading children exposed harmful environments where them might be vulnerable physical abuse or neglect, ones mental health could suffer greatly overtime if these conditions persist long enough.(2010 pg 126)In other words children born into lower class households may have greater risk factors impacting their life outcomes before they even enter school age so these effects cannot simply be attributed solely educational achievement gaps since these issues start at birth making it crucial for policy makers created initiatives address these issues specifically instead taking generic approach aimed lifting multiple socioeconomic statuses together without addressing any specific needs arising each one individually..

overall what becomes clear through examining all sources mentioned above is that gender roles shape our societies structure deeply effecting how individuals live day lives making hard escape cycle poverty many times trapping generations same family passing down hardships throughout history something we must seek change if truly want ensure everyone fair chance achieving success future no matter where lie ranks terms race/ethnicity economics standing etc..

To summarize ,it’s clear see racial and class stratifications can severely limit opportunities available members certain groups usually those belonging minority ethnicity non affluent background drastically changing way interact build relationships world around them having drastic consequence entire generation upon generation thus important recognize need break barriers order properly support real progress towards equality fairness amongst all people everywhere.

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