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Biological Factors: Genetic factors have a strong influence on the development and expression of psychopathology. Variations in our genetic makeup can affect how sensitive we are to certain environmental influences, as well as our ability to cope with stress. In addition, specific genes may be associated with particular disorders and can help to explain why certain individuals are more vulnerable than others for developing psychopathology. Neuroscientific processes also play an important role in the development of mental illness. Studies have shown that abnormalities in brain structure or function, such as those seen in schizophrenia or depression, can lead to changes in behavior that are characteristic of these disorders.

Psychological Factors: Behavioral and cognitive processes are thought to be responsible for much of the psychological distress experienced by individuals with mental illness. Cognitive distortions (erroneous beliefs) often lead people towards maladaptive behavior patterns which further contribute to their suffering over time. Additionally, emotions like fear and anxiety play a huge role in the onset of many psychiatric disorders such as PTSD and GAD. Developmental issues like trauma or abuse during childhood may increase vulnerability later on in life when these individuals encounter stressful situations they were not prepared for due to inadequate coping skills acquired during their formative years.

Social/Cultural/Interpersonal Factors: Social environments can also profoundly shape our experiences with mental health problems either positively or negatively depending on its characteristics (i.e., degree of social support from family/friends). Culture plays an important role by influencing perceptions about different types of mental health issues (stigma), what is considered “normal” behavior within society, available resources for treatment (accessibility), etc.. Interpersonal relationships often serve as catalysts for both positive growth through supportive interactions or negative change due to traumatic events like abuse or neglect; this could potentially lead some toward developing psychopathology if left unchecked over time without proper intervention strategies being provided early enough on before things get out of hand

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