Think of a business idea and do a presentation to a probable investor covering:
1. Product / service you wish to deal with and why
2. Current market for your product/service
3. Overall project plan and timeline
4. Where do you stand now on your project plan
5. Implementation plan – competitiveness, capability, resources
6. Marketing Strategy – specialization, differentiation, segmentation, concentration
7. Finance plan – requirement, timeline, already have, way forward
8. Offering to the prospective investor
9. Why should the investor invest in your project
Week 3 INV200 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 27
INV 200 – Spring 2020-21 -Project and Presentation 2
Semester-end project/presentation…
PowerPoint is good enough, but:
• Be original
• Use a lot of examples and pictures
• Organize your thoughts in tables, reports, excel sheet etc
• Be as creative as possible
• Demonstrate your distinctiveness and
• Quote sources of all external data
Submission by :
Individual or group of max two students
Presentations from: 12-14th week, exact sequence to be notified
Week 5 INV200 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 28
INV 200 – Spring 2020-21 -Project and Presentation 3
Semester-end project / presentation:
Suggested section / slide structure:
1. Executive summary
2. Product / service – idea and why
3. Target market and current market analysis for your product/service
4. Overall project implementation plan and timeline
5. Your background and capability, preparedness and resources
6. Where do you stand now on your project plan and timeline
7. Finance plan – total requirement, timeline raised already, plan and timeline for rest
8. Marketing Strategy – specialization, differentiation, segmentation, concentration
9. Why should the investor invest with you
10. What is your offer to the investor – structure (equity/debt?), return, pay-back time, security
11. Any other information
Feel free to have multiple slides under each item above.
Week 5 INV200 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 29
INV 200 – Spring 2020-21 -Project and Presentation 4
Remember during presentations:
You will be assessed on :
1. Your presentation skills and how you tackle the questions (15 marks)
2. How you present your business idea and business plan, especially: (15 marks)
a. Product / Idea
b. Market
c. Your entrepreneurial capability
d. Finance model / plan
e. Implementation plan
f. Marketing plan / Strategy
g. Pitch to Investors
3. Overall packaging the contents and presentation material, whether: (10 marks)
a. It’s fit-for-the-purpose
b. you have used good timeline, pictures and graphics
c. have used good financial estimates
d. the presentations look more like an assignment,
How to interpret the feedback – presentation; presentation skill; Analytical and Technical
Week 5 INV200 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 30