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Sustainability and program planning are closely intertwined. The distinction between the two is that sustainability focuses on continuing a program after it has been implemented, while program planning occurs before implementation. While the ultimate goal of both processes is to ensure that the outcomes and objectives of a program are achieved, sustainability looks at how we can continue those goals over time, while program planning is concerned with setting up conditions for success. In order to create a successful and sustainable program, it is important to consider sustainability when designing the initial plan.

In terms of timing in relation to MAP-IT (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships), sustainability should be considered during all stages of this process. At every stage there should be discussions about how to best sustain the desired outcomes long-term, beginning with assessing needs and resources available in Step 1. During Step 2 – develop strategies – it is important to identify current programs or initiatives that could possibly provide resources or support for your new initiative or project that could lead toward its continued viability beyond the initial implementation period. When developing action plans in Step 3, consideration must be given to funding sources that could potentially cover ongoing costs associated with sustaining activities into future years; these may range from grants, donations/philanthropic gifts or secure revenue streams such as user fees or subscriptions (Chen et al., 2019). During Step 4 – implement projects—it’s essential that mechanisms are developed so you can track progress over time towards achieving your desired outcomes; this includes metrics capable of capturing quantitative changes as well as non-quantitative measures such as qualitative data gathering techniques (Zakus & Hovland, 2017). Ultimately by considering these components throughout each step in MAP-IT you can ensure an effective foundation has been established supporting successful implementation and ultimately sustainable programming results upon completion (Gitterman et al., 2015).

When developing any type of health promotion intervention designed for sustained implementation over time there needs to be an exploration into what operational structures will need to remain intact in order for long term use (Pronk et al., 2018). This means assessing what financial investments will need to occur including personnel support but also engaging stakeholders affected by decision making around aspects like leadership roles needed throughout different phases within programming execution (Schwartz & O’Hara 2015). Moreover, comprehensive evaluation tools must exist allowing data collection on an ongoing basis tracking success rate metrics across various segments within population being served which would then include analyzing feedback loops created by consumer input itself where necessary adjustments can then be made going forward based on consumer experience itself rather than relying solely on external evaluations alone (Wagstaff & Flores 2020) . As such incorporating evaluation methods provides key insights providing guidance informing decisions relating both short term tactical interventions along with long term strategic initiatives ensuring healthy communities benefit from better access leading towards promoting more health equitable environments overall maintaining positive budget impacts overtime too.(Kinsinger & Eckenrode 2019)

Overall understanding potential constraints faced when creating innovative public health programs requires careful consideration when initially designing plans giving attention not just limited resource allocation factors but also philosophical approach taken relative cultural context affecting participants included within scope.(De Vries et al., 2018) This kind requires foresight particularly early phase during framing steps undertaken within MAP-IT process since clear objectives defined upfront sets baseline needed move forward without delays caused due unanticipated issues encountered downloads impacting overall timeline extending significantly reducing ability actually meet forecasted objectives originally set out begin with.(Munir et al., 2016) Hence involving variety stakeholders early part development ensures able address wider perspectives building foundations potentially lead higher probability meeting intended aims long run taking greater likelihoods actually adhering guidelines set forth maximum efficiency end result.(Bauldry et al.. 2017)

From this perspective having conversation regarding sustainability inclusion programs planned even at onset benefits everyone involved since allows make more informed decisions affecting bottom lines benefiting everyone stakeholder capacity setting organizations apart competitors offering similar services area being served contributing positively impacted community’s wellbeing collective whole.(Brownson et al,.2016 ) Although doing entails significant effort upfront forces shift mindset away traditional focus tangible simply measurable return shortsighted investing instead looking bigger picture showcasing true value believing reflects core principles mission statement message organization represents championing values hopes desires target population very essence entire concept ‘’programming’’ itself begins underline reason why making difference world place begin start primary first point contact acts crucial component integral parts chain reaction opportunity grow prosper evolve generations come without experiencing same pitfalls predecessors did example political media religious backlash generated previously carelessly managed past initiatives(Curtis& Feenstra 2017 )

To conclude discussing relationship between sustainability matters programming planners must aware importance role plays critical factor ensuring become fully realized product ready roll out potential beneficiaries regardless nature size scope reach ultimately impacts greatly whether remains viable enough scaled larger levels focus expanded markets demonstrating true impact felt society level annually evaluated monitored constantly tweaked adjusted accordingly appropriately measured results obtained order properly attributed rightful owners give credit due deserved recognizing achievements successes hard work done behind scenes day day operations bringing life actively functioning communiteies sustained efforts encompassing varied disciplines fostering thriving environments opportunity live succeed respect fairness contribute growth no matter individual background identity social economic status person holds poses limits otherwise imposed outside influences hope thrive breaking existing barriers improving collective lives changing world one step closer paradise imagined late Dr Martin Luther King Jr took inspiration wrote famously quoted “I Have Dream” speech truly epitomizes enduring spirit human race envisioned mankind hopeful wishing strive loftier heights achieve dreams realities living today tomorrow surrounded overflowing love light found hearts souls embraced embrace bring peace harmony minds fashion vision complete far reaching effects span generations instilling belief greatness no longer dependent solely individual sole group individuals acting concert together build bridges spanning gaps deepening divide sharing compassion friendship lending helping hand times despair knowing joyous times rejoice dancing streets streets filled laughter ringing envelopes air echoing reverberating walls held captive great melody deep silent night families blessed living warm safe homes free fear worries oppression endless struggle tyranny hunger poverty injustice hatred bigotry ignorance prejudice plague humankind stand side shoulder shoulder join hands lift spirits forming circle solidarity strength togetherness laid solid foundations keepers maintainers protectors passing torch another generation teach share learn grow flourish succeeding marvel astonishing accomplishments continues growing longer brighter strong staying power lasting legacy many lifetimes come go look back fondly remember moments spent laboring thoughtfully crafting blueprints bright future possibilities limitless skies beckon toward horizon beckoned witness remarkable journey unfolding yet unseen eyes beholding breathless wonder admiration awe beauty stands tall majestic grace everlasting wonders ever present embody words “Let dream alive forevermore!.”

Bauldry S J , Farruggia SPJ , Zimmer C ,Lightfoot M , Boardley ID .(2017 ) Enhancing Program Practices: Using Collaborative Evaluation Methods To Improve Community Programs. American Journal Of evaluation 38(4):482 -502
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