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1. Vocational Training: Many prisons in America offer vocational training programs. These programs provide prisoners with the skills and knowledge to gain employment after their release from prison. Inmates can often choose from a variety of different classes, such as carpentry, industrial mechanics, welding, plumbing and more. The goal of these courses is to give prisoners marketable skills that they can use to find gainful employment upon leaving prison.

2. Education Programs: Education programs are also available in many American prisons. These are designed to help inmates improve their reading and math skills so that they can pursue higher education or other trades upon their release from prison. Some states even offer college-level classes for inmates interested in earning a degree while serving time behind bars.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy aimed at helping individuals identify and change troublesome behaviors by altering the thoughts and beliefs that perpetuate those behaviors. CBT is offered in some prisons in America as part of an effort to reduce recidivism rates among incarcerated individuals who are likely to be released at some point into society again—and potentially reoffend without rehabilitation efforts like this one in place first..

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