Read the entire play of Oedipus and answer these questions, about 350-400 words, you can use quotes from
the play to backup the paper. I will give you the link of the book and info to login, below:
Conflicts: give ONE external AND ONE internal conflict experienced by the protagonist, Oedipus.
#2. When specifically do Jocasta AND Oedipus experience theri epiphanies?
#3. Is Oedipus a dynamic character ( one who changes from the beginning of the play to the end of the play )
OR is he a static character ( one who remains the same throughout the play )? Explain your answer with
examples from the play.
#4. Choose ONE of these songs ( or use your own song ) and make a connection to the play or character: “I
Want a Girl, Just Like the Girl, That Married Dear Old Dad” ; “Blind” by Jason Derulo; “Only God Can Judge
Me” by Tupac Shakur; “Demons” by Imaginary Dragons; “Mother” by Phil Collins; “The End” by The Doors; OR
substitute your own choice.
Link to book:
Logn information will be available for the assigned writer.