Describe the relationship between offset features and transform boundaries.
Why is the San Andreas Fault (SAF) considered a transform boundary?
Where is the SAF located — Draw a picture of California and map in the SAF.
Identify the North American (NAP) and Pacific plates (PP)
Where is San Francisco and Los Angeles located in regards to the NAP and PP?
How does the SAF relate to the ring of fire?
What tectonic plate is Bakersfield located
Now, using all your plate tectonic knowledge answer the following critical thinking questions.
Why is the ocean floor much, much younger (about 170 m.y.) than continental material (about 4 b.y.).
Explain why island arc systems appear as curved features on the earth’s surface.
Explain the occurrence of the Sierra Nevada Mountains east of Bakersfield.
How are the Hawiian Islands different from Island arc systems. Hint: The Hawiian Islands are known as a
How does the chain of Hawiian islands show scientists the directional movement of the Pacifc plate?