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Nina is a 12th grade student who is having a hard time in school. She has always been an average student and never had any particular difficulties in the past, but this semester she started to struggle with her studies. Her grades have dropped significantly and she’s often overwhelmed by the amount of work she needs to complete. Nina has become increasingly frustrated and finds it difficult to focus on tasks that require sustained effort.

Piaget’s developmental theory could be used to support Nina by focusing on the idea that learning involves making mistakes and constructing knowledge through trial-and-error. By seeing failure as part of the learning process rather than something negative, Nina can be encouraged to keep trying even when faced with challenging tasks or concepts. Instructors can also use Piaget’s principle of accommodation – where existing schemas are modified or new ones created as a result of new experiences – as a way of helping Nina develop more effective cognitive strategies for dealing with demanding situations such as studying for exams or completing complex assignments.

Vygotsky’s developmental theory states that social interaction plays an important role in development, particularly when it comes to problem solving skills and conceptual understanding. Therefore, instructors should provide opportunities for Nina to collaborate with peers so that they can help each other learn from one another during group activities like discussion boards or group projects. This type of environment helps students develop strong communication skills while also giving them access to perspectives outside their own which will give them greater insight into how various topics connect together . It also provides an opportunity for instructors to coach their students through certain processes like breaking down complex problems into smaller pieces which makes them easier understand and solve individually.

I think Vygotsky’s developmental theory provides the most appropriate support for Nina because it focuses on providing both guidance and collaboration which works towards developing stronger problem solving abilities within social contexts rather than just relying solely on individual efforts alone – something which may prove intimidating for someone struggling academically like her at present time . Additionally , Vygotsky’s approach emphasizes collaborative learning opportunities among peers which encourages active participation from all members involved . As such , these collaborative initiatives not only create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable enough express themselves without fear judgement but it allows individuals learn from one another while simultaneously building confidence levels needed tackle future challenges successfully .

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