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My Educational Philosophy
I believe that education is the foundation of a democratic society that values individuals, celebrates diversity and encourages free expression. Every student has the right to learn in an environment where respect, safety, collaboration and creativity are fostered. As a teacher, I strive to create an equitable learning space; one which acknowledges different learning styles, backgrounds and abilities. I am committed to fostering a collaborative culture within my classroom and school community. It is my belief that by providing my students with resources for self-discovery through inquiry-based activities as well as engaging them in meaningful dialogue about various topics – we can work together towards building strong relationships based on mutual trust and respect.

The role of the teacher is multifaceted—from being a leader to being an advocate for their students’ best interests. By modeling critical thinking skills while encouraging students to take ownership over their own learning process, teachers help cultivate life-long learners who are more likely to be successful in future endeavors. Teachers should also work with each other collaboratively within the school system in order create positive change that benefits all stakeholders involved: children, families and educators alike. Furthermore, it is important for teachers to understand their professional responsibility—both ethically and legally—especially when faced with difficult decision making or responding appropriately during crisis management situations.

As part of this educational philosophy it is essential for me to engage in self-reflection on teaching practices both inside and outside of the classroom setting so I may continue growing professionally while better serving my students’ needs academically as well as emotionally/socially/psychologically (Gore et al., 2019). In order do this successfully I must stay abreast of current research literature related to instruction as well as educational policy initiatives aimed at improving our schools systems overall (Berry & Jones 2020). Additionally, ethical practice must always remain at the forefront when making decisions concerning any aspect of teaching since these decisions affect not only myself but also those around me (Ludwig & Myers 2003).

In conclusion, my educational philosophy focuses on creating an equitable learning environment where growth opportunities exist for everyone involved – from students all the way up administrators – striving towards developing lifelong learners capable of contributing positively society at large . This goal demands commitment from myself included continued development through reflection/researching/advocacy efforts as well researching/implementing new ideas aimed at reforming our education system holistically..

Berry C., & Jones J.(2020). Social Justice Teacher Education: Addressing Struggles Through Inquiry Based Learning Approaches,. International Journal Of Teaching And Learning In Higher Education 32(1), 137–149 doi 107719/ijtlhe

Gore T., Bunch A., Hoskins W., Moore L& Myers K.(2019). Reflections On Cultural Competency Training In Early Childhood Programs: Preparing Early Childhood Educators To Recognize Implicit Bias And Promote Equity For All Children The Professional Educator 41(3) , 241–257 doi 10 147899002441200318

Ludwig K., & Myers S.(2003). Working Ethics: Strategies For Decision Making And Problem Solving San Francisco Jossey Bass.

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