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My personal ethical philosophy is anchored in virtue ethics, which emphasizes the development of moral character. I believe that not only should we act ethically, but also strive to become better people with each passing day. This means cultivating a set of traits within ourselves – such as kindness, fairness, honesty, integrity, and respect – and striving to practice these virtues in our relationships both professionally and personally. In addition to developing our own moral character through practicing such virtues, I believe that it is important to recognize the inherent worth of all lives: human or otherwise. We have an obligation to treat others with dignity regardless of their gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity/ culture sexual orientation/identity or disability status.

In regards to John Doe’s case; according to my personal ethical philosophy he has acted immorally by knowingly downloading copyrighted materials without compensating the publisher nor author for their work. Not only does this go against his religion but it goes against respecting the intellectual property rights of those who made the textbook available for purchase in the first place. Additionally, using Cloak creates an unequal playing field between those who can afford purchasing textbooks versus those who cannot- perpetuating social injustices further. The veil of ignorance applied here would suggest that Doe consider what would happen if everyone was doing this- essentially erasing authorship from its rightful owners just because they are able to access something without permission or cost while someone else is unable pay due their socio economic position; creating additional disparity between groups already challenged economically (i.e poorer communities).

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