Sample Solution

Grade Level: 4th Grade
Science Standard: 4-ESS2-1 – Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6-billion-year-old history.
Health Standard: HCS4.H – Examine the interrelationship of physical activity and health benefits, including mental/emotional well being, prevention of chronic diseases, and healthy growth and development.

3 Day Unit Plan Template

Day 1
Objectives: Students will construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6 billion year old history & identify factors that influence healthful choices by examining physical activity & its impact on mental/emotional wellbeing & prevention of chronic diseases & healthy growth & development.
Materials/Resources Needed: Computers with internet access (optional); Fossil cards; Rock sample pieces; Chart paper/markers; Variety of exercise equipment (Kettlebells, Stability Balls, Yoga mats)
Technology Used: Prezi presentation software or other online presentation platform; Classroom discussion board or chat room using an online platform such as Google Hangouts or Zoom
Instructional Strategies Employed: Whole group instruction; Online learning activities; Small group discussion; Cooperative Learning strategies (Jigsaw Method)
Assessment Strategies Used : Observing student engagement during class discussions; Pre and post tests measuring content knowledge gained in lesson(s); Journal entries following each lesson capturing student learning

Day 2 Objectives : Students will use evidence to construct an argument about changes in Earth’s surface over time due to slow processes & explore positive effects when making healthy lifestyle choices Materials/Resources Needed : Computer with internet access (optional); Printouts related to mapping changes over time ; Physical activity journals Technology Used : Geospatial mapping software ; Digital video camera Instructional Strategies Employed Assessment Strategies Used : Assigning individual students roles within cooperative groups ; Documenting students’ physical activity through digital photos or videos taken during class period ; Measuring heart rate before and after an exercise session Day 3 Objectives : Students will apply understanding of geological process rates at different timescales to explain why scientists can predict future conditions on Earth& create awareness regarding personal decisions related to influencing their own overall wellness Materials/Resource Needed : Research texts discussing geological processes Technology Used : Interactive whiteboard technology Instructional Strategies Employed Assessment Strategies Used : Use graphic organizers as assessment tool through analysis of research articles ; Post classroom surveys summarizing what students learned throughout unit plan that they can take home with them

Rationale Justifying How The Unit Provides Opportunities To Examine Performance Data Throughout The Unit In The Inclusive Classroom: This unit plan provides opportunities for performance data examination throughout all three days in order to guide instructional planning for inclusion purposes in the classroom setting. On day one specifically, both whole Group instruction involving direct teaching methods coupled with small Group discussions facilitate differentiated instruction geared towards varying needs amongst the student population while providing ample opportunity for assessing comprehension levels among all learners. Additionally, cooperative learning strategies employed allow teachers to assign specific roles within each group which helps promote accountability amongst classmates while encouraging collaboration skills necessary for academic success both now and later life endeavors . On day two , assigning individual roles within groups also provides teachers valuable insight into appearance data which can then be used appropriately inform subsequent instructional planning in relation meeting varied learning needs similarly seen today two . Furthermore , documenting student physical activity level via digital photos or videos allows educators measure differences between active participants who may struggle focus their attention compared those who do not experience difficulty this area . Finally , day three utilizes graphic organizers as form assessment tool analyze research articles allowing teachers gauge understanding material by individuals small more accurately target areas further support needed inclusive classroom environment . Ultimately , these various techniques provide tangible feedback current levels academic achievement provide hints educational approaches should adapted meet ever changing diverse learner requirements found modern education landscape

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