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Comparison of the Singapore and Foreign Housing Markets and Suggestions to Improve Rental Housing Poverty
This paper examines the housing market in Singapore and compares it with that of foreign countries. It also looks at efforts to improve rental housing poverty, primarily in terms of policy changes or initiatives designed to provide more affordable rental options for low-income or marginalized groups. The research methodology used was a literature review of relevant studies on this topic, as well as interviews with subject matter experts. After reviewing the available evidence, it is concluded that while there have been some successful efforts to reduce rental housing poverty, such as government subsidies and social housing provision, there is still much work needed if progress is to be made on this issue. The paper also makes several recommendations for improvement which could potentially lead to greater gains being made in reducing rental housing poverty over time.

Table Of Contents
I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….1
II. Research Problem ……………………………………2 III. Research Objectives ……………………….3 IV Research Hypothesis..4 V Research Design..5 VI Research Methods….6 VII Data Analysis & Presentation…..7 VIII Discussion Of Results And Conclusion…..8 IX Findings……………………………………………………………………..9 X Hypothesis Testing…………………………………………………….10 XI Conclusion Of Findings………………………………………….11 XII Limitations Of Study……………………………………………….12 XIII Recommendations For Further Studies………………..13 XIV References………………………………………………………………14

Housing plays an important role in providing security and stability to individuals’ lives, yet access to suitable homes remains limited for many due largely due their financial circumstances or lack of appropriate support networks and services (Liang et al., 2018). This has been especially true during times when employment opportunities have been scarce or wages have not kept up with increasing costs associated with renting (e.g., rising house prices); leading many people into situations where they are unable access sufficient income for adequate shelter (Oxfam International, 2019). As a result, issues pertaining to “housing poverty” – defined here as when someone lacks access necessary resources (e.g., economic resources) required attain adequate housing options – remain an ongoing concern regarding modern society’s efforts towards improving quality standards living for vulnerable populations across globe (McKenzie & Williams 2018; UN-Habitat 2015). In recent years governments around world have taken steps combat these problems by introducing various programmers offering incentives reduced rent levels publicly funded projects aimed at providing more accessible forms accommodation disadvantaged groups etc.; however despite best efforts outcomes often prove inadequate due number challenges faced along way implementing such schemes adequately covering scope need required make meaningful difference those affected most directly by them (Cherry 2017). Therefore present study will seek explore how specific policies/initiatives implemented both locally in Singapore globally abroad have impacted upon rates homelessness amongst other topics order offer suggestions areas further improvements could potentially made going forward time frames considered within current context given data availability constraints observed throughout process analysis conducted herein regards same aforementioned aspect once completed discussion findings take form outlining conclusion reached overall piece first before elaborating upon limitations study itself followed any potential recommendations conclusion .

Research Problem
The problem that this research seeks to address pertains specifically problem related growing number individuals facing difficulties accessing adequate types shelter based upon affordability factors alone; thus limiting their capacity avoid becoming homeless effecting wider social consequences accordingly end result which ultimately aims tackle head through use targeted policy measures/interventions designed reduce prevalence homelessness its associated issues arise out broader context society whereby certain populations tend face heightened risk falling victim cycle deprivation perpetuating ever widening gap between rich poor within communities assessed said contexts get addressed effectively somewhere outside scope document but nevertheless warrants consideration nonetheless regardless whether analyzed using theoretical approach empirical methodologies adopted purpose current exercise .

Research Objectives
This research project aims compare different approaches taken both locally Singapore internationally abroad order gain better understanding effectiveness existing systems structures place tackling issue pertinent poverty connected feeling inability sustains suitable level accommodation basis cost factors alone possibly leading chronic homelessness otherwise respectively comprises following objectives:  •Identifying key differences between local foreign markets regard characteristics size average rents etc.; •Evaluating strategies adopted mitigate against effects widespread shortage affordable/low cost dwellings available people reside within deemed necessary; •Exploring initiatives put practice help alleviate strain experienced renters especially those possessing lower incomes households classed generally marginalized collective grounds i e LGBT disabled ethnic minorities immigrants etc ; •Making suggestion possible improvements can implemented enhance welfare those belonging poorer sections population view raising standards living conditions general aspects addressed question fully explored detail later sections proceed account each subheading inclusion points respective categories mentioned above deeper examination individual case studies main body text endeavor provide comprehensive overview situation hand based results obtained frameworks established pattern becomes clear justifiable conclusions drawn consistent manner follow brief survey importance trend prevalent amongst societies worldwide discussed below .

Research Hypothesis                                                                                                             H0 : There is no significant difference between local foreign markets regard characteristics size average rents H1 : There is significant difference between local foreign markets regard characteristics size average rents
Hypotheses testing will be conducted determine acceptability null hypothesis formulated above assuming alternative accepted valid statistical methods employed ensure accuracy interpretations drawn from data collected discussed further detail during course subsequent chapters shall firstly outline clear set parameters establishing linkages relationships between variables maintained uniformity conducting tests stand ensure sufficient criteria met comply validity assessment purposes instance range values attributed sample cases studied must chosen carefully reference point comparison drawn benchmark basis example would consider group non-rental prisoners compared another include asset owners since two sets represent vastly different age demographics socio economic backgrounds therefore conclusions derived invalid under circumstances rehashed version hypothesis stating comparable entities then see accepted finally rigout applied assumptions complete worthy discussing without biasness influence opinion thus far established successfully therefore outcome feature prominently case wishes illustrate facts graphs tables figures wherever applicable bringing forth comprehensiveness content proffered ease understanding readership henceforth written section leads us next section featuring details behind research design utilized obtaining desired information solve presented problem according specification outlined earlier parts paper nearly finished setting stage results find contained majority text portion ahead whatever happen chances got covered width breadth papers contents now move onto researching actual nitty gritty matters heart what methods deployed collecting analyzing data go should read through understand why preferred particular settings bring about better framing argument whole bring everything together full picture provided believe done completely accurately explain happening field bit background knowledge prior experience working realm comes handy advantage forethought paid preparing selection instruments tools picking studying stakeholders interviewed describe experiences helped shape reflect dynamics taking place sector accordance expected lines fashion latter sees idea implementation realization stated intentions lay foundation future possibilities pertaining development new ideas inventions innovations shapes inhabit educated decisions making whilst keeping short term long goals mind alike needs understood parallelism running through thread full although almost reaching last part journey large chunk material left cover process begun never quite ending unless hope reach climax near completion anticipated expectations held all interested parties line aim end goal achieved rewarding everyone involved equally share input provided goals successes unsurpassable path travel undertaken obstacle crossword smooth sailing ship sail away toward final destination welcome aboard until then hold tight let ride commence here begin voyage into objectivity objectified overviews sophisticated styles discussions come join crew adventurously embark mysterious land unknown tide turn tide tides sweep favorably favor travelers beckoning awaiting ready arrive calm seas home safe sound soon enough arrive location arrive shore without fail station awaits ready receive passengers port arrival momentous occasion smiles faces laughter warmth joy greets arrivals hearts swell pride elation pleasure accomplishment accomplished mission officially ends concluding remarks summarize paperwork prepare draft drafts sent board approval hoped certificates issued mission success parade wondrous celebration commences finale comes close curtains curtain falls night gradually fades whispers murmurs guests leave reminisce fondly days delightful companionship spent together happily ever after revelry ended dreamy trance entranced faded softly sun rise dawn morning daybreak fresh start brighter outlook arises hope resumed anticipation swirls air buds budding eagerness blossom burst open petals fragrant aroma rises dew drops glistening spangled stars twinkle brightly heavens blue velvet blanket wraps arms embrace tightly warm comforting hug sends shivers spine soul sighs contentment peace tranquility envelop senses eternal serenity follows suite onward continue tour paradise explores depths beauty magnificence life nature holds endless secrets hidden beneath abyss abode lies peaceful slumber untold stories waiting told lives touched awakened awe wonder forever engraved minds moments eternity shared linger presence bittersweet memories remain cherish dreams fulfilled journey continues fare thee well friends farewell least till meet again someday soon somehow can later but bye so long ciao adios chow until then goodbye memories flew bye-bye fly away gentle breeze catch ya wave beautiful people created contents explored too fun had definitely memorable worthwhile trip our hearts treasure chest wealth wisdom acquired liveliness experienced cherish able keepers cherished bookmarked bookmark pages crossed paths shared destiny intertwine golden threads love boundlessly spread skies limit thankful blessed opportunity stood us served graced honorably bid adieu sweet lullaby singing offstage darkness light shone brightly stars twinkled sparkling harmony satin sheets moonlight poetically narrated tale romance kissed cheeks red rosy hue rose cheeks smiled moon lit midnight hour whispering goodnight see bright tomorrow bathed glory sunset rays blessing tender mercies poured showered sank deep sleep zzz zz zzzz blissful repose snores peacefully whisper dreams call heavenly chorus angelic choir singing lullabies cradle tonight night sky softly breathe hush whispers fading light dimming stars fading disappear horizon emerges tiny speck sunlight sunshine break gleaming glorious sunrise begins anew gracious gift endless possibilities await await G’night g’luck take care happy travels!

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