People aged 65 years and older constitute 50% of health service users. As people age, they experience changes to their physical and mental function, social environment and overall wellbeing. For those requiring health services, these changes are further complicated by illness (Moyle et al., 2014).
The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the complex health needs of an older person through presentation of a patient profile of a selected case from a clinical/ workplace experience in a practice setting, community or residential or acute care.
Case study/ patient profile reports are an effective way to summarise an individual patient’s history, symptoms, and conditions in the context of their lives (Mellerio, 2019). This assignment relates to Learning Outcomes 1 and 2
• Identify the person (the case/patient), and summarise their family and social history, ensuring you preserve confidentiality (you should use pseudonyms).
• Identify the acute presenting issue (reason for hospitalisation/nursing care), risk factors and potential or actual stereotyping.
• Evaluate case’s/patient’s health history including its impact on the person’s physical and/or mental functional status.