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This patient was in metabolic acidosis because of his high glucose levels. Hyperglycemia causes a shift in the body’s pH balance, resulting in an increase in H+ ions and a decrease in bicarbonate (HCO3) levels. This is known as metabolic acidosis, and it can be life-threatening if left untreated.
It is possible that the patient will eventually be switched to an oral hypoglycemic agent, but this will likely depend on how well he responds to the insulin pump therapy that he has been using since his initial hospitalization. As with any diabetes management plan, teaming up with a healthcare professional who specializes in diabetes can help ensure that the individual’s needs are being met and that they are receiving appropriate support from both medical personnel and family members.
Considering the patient’s age (16 years old), sex (male), and diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus, it is likely that this life-changing diagnosis will have far-reaching effects on all aspects of their life.

Firstly, there may be physical changes due to having to monitor blood sugar levels more frequently or adjusting diet/exercise routines for longer term health goals – such as reducing risk for cardiovascular disease or maintaining healthy weight/body composition throughout adulthood. There may also be psychological implications due to increased stress or anxiety related to managing this chronic condition long term; additional support through counseling might prove beneficial depending on individual circumstances. Finally, there may also be social impacts due to lifestyle changes necessary for better diabetes management or potential financial burdens associated with ongoing treatments or medications required for maintenance of glycemic control over time (especially if insurance coverage isn’t ideal).
The parents of this patient should first seek out accurate information about type 1 DM so they may better understand what their child is dealing with now and how it could potentially affect them going forward into adulthood/old age. They should also look into proper education regarding nutrition/meal planning so their son can maintain safe blood glucose levels while enjoying food – especially during times when carbohydrates must make up part of his daily meals but would still like variety beyond just starches at each mealtime! Additionally, talking openly about feelings related to managing T1D can help normalize those emotions within the family unit while improving communication between all involved parties; enlisting outside resources (like counselors) could even further facilitate discussions concerning difficult topics during challenging times throughout treatment journey(ies). Lastly, finding local support groups specific towards T1DM care & management would allow them access not only knowledgeable peers who have gone through similar experiences themselves but possibly even new friends who share common interests & passions!

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