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As followers of Christ, there are certain nonnegotiable beliefs and priorities that we should adhere to. These include our belief in the deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, in His virgin birth, His sinless life on earth, His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection (Baxter & Bauckham 2019). We must also acknowledge the authority of Scripture—that it is inspired by God and without error—and accept its teachings about salvation in Jesus’ name alone (Moslow 2020). Additionally, we believe that humans were created with a purpose to serve and glorify God; that all humanity has been corrupted by sin; and that only through faith in Jesus can be forgiven for our sins (Gibbs 2021).

We also prioritize following Jesus’ commands – loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; loving others as ourselves; keeping pure from sexual immorality; being honest in every aspect of life; giving sacrificially to those who are needy or suffering (Mathew 22: 37-40); living lives devoted to prayer and study of scripture while seeking knowledge from trustworthy sources; using time wisely (Ephesians 5:15-17); forgiving others when wronged; bearing good fruit even if persecuted or hated for doing so (Matthew 5: 43-48); not idolizing material possessions nor putting them before spiritual matters; being humble yet bold witnesses for Him. Living Christlike lives requires us to continually strive higher standards honoring Him no matter what culture influences us otherwise. We should extend grace towards others just as He did – especially those whom society neglects or ignores. Lastly, we prioritize upholding biblical truth over personal agendas or feelings which means speaking up when necessary even when unpopular or uncomfortable because this too honors Him.

In conclusion, as believers in Jesus Christ we hold certain nonnegotiable beliefs including believing in his divine nature and accepting scriptural truths about forgiveness through him alone. In addition to these beliefs come priorities such as following Jesus’ commands regarding how we love both God and other people around us. We should use our words carefully remembering that speaking boldly about biblical principles is better received than displaying arrogance when defending them. Furthermore, prioritizing serving those who need help instead of pursuing self-interests will bring honor to God’s name rather than bringing shame onto it due to lackadaisical attitudes towards Christianity today.(word count 300)

Baxter J., & Bauckham R., 2019. The Deity Of The Lord Jesus Christ In New Testament Teaching [online]. Available at [Accessed 8 May 2021]
Gibbs E., 2021 “What Is Sin According To The Bible?”. What Christians Want To Know [online]. Available at [Accessed 8 May 2021]
Moslow A., 2020 “Why Is Biblical Authority Important?”. Got Questions? [online]. Available at [Accessed 8 May 2021]

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