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The first step in conducting an OSHA investigation is to conduct a comprehensive walkthrough of the workplace. During this walkthrough, it is important to take photographs of any potential hazards that are observed, as well as making note of any safety and health violations that may exist. It is also important to pay attention to any past or current complaints filed against the business by employees or other entities.

Upon inspection, some common violations I noticed include improper storage and handling of hazardous materials, failure to provide proper fall protection such as guard rails on elevated surfaces and ladders, inadequate ventilation for toxic materials present in the workplace, lack of protective clothing for workers exposed to corrosive chemicals or other dangerous substances, and failure to properly maintain machinery and equipment. Additionally, there appeared to be no emergency evacuation plan in place if an accident occurred which could potentially lead to serious injuries or fatalities.

To remain compliant with OSHA regulations this workplace should implement stricter safety protocols by providing clear policies regarding hazard identification and prevention; as well as education on these policies so that all employees can identify potential risks within their work area. The business should also adopt a written Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) which outlines how they will manage health & safety related issues within the workplace. This could include routine inspections for potential hazards in addition to outlining procedures for responding when a hazard does occur. Other recommended actions include providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when needed; training supervisors on basic occupational safety principles; implementing hazard communication training programs; designing preventative maintenance programs for all machines used at the site; creating emergency action plans that cover fire drills, natural disasters etc.; conducting air quality tests where necessary; installation/maintenance of appropriate guardrails/fall protection systems around dangerous areas such as scaffoldings etc., establishment of lockout/tagout systems where applicable ;and having Contingency Plans ready in case something unexpected were to happen like power outages due floods etc.. Last but not least employers need dole out disciplinary action if rules are violated by employee negligence .

By adhering these guidelines outlined above , it is possible ensure compliance with OSHA standards while fostering a safe working environment free from injury caused by accidents or unsafe conditions within the workplace

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