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One of the most important ways that Organizational Behavior (OB) can be applied to a current job is by understanding how different aspects of work are interconnected. For example, understanding how communication within an organization works and recognizing how decisions are made can help employees better navigate the workplace environment. By being aware of individual needs and preferences, as well as organizational values and goals, employees can create an atmosphere conducive to productivity and success. Additionally, having knowledge of OB concepts such as motivation helps managers foster an energized working environment in which their team members feel appreciated and valued.

By leveraging Organizational Behavior principles in one’s current job, career advancement opportunities may open up as well. For instance, those who understand how to develop a diverse workforce are more likely to be seen as competent leaders capable of leading successful projects or teams. Recognizing the importance of building relationships with colleagues when engaging in difficult conversations will also demonstrate emotional intelligence needed for higher-level management positions. Additionally, those familiar with OB principles associated with decision making processes such as crisis management can effectively handle challenging scenarios where quick thinking is necessary for optimal results from a team or organization at large.

Finally, demonstrating knowledge about interactive dynamics between groups will also serve individuals looking for promotion potential within their organizations or elsewhere; this includes skill sets related to conflict resolution techniques or recognizing signs of groupthink that could impede progress on certain initiatives within larger entities like companies or government offices (Akin & Casio). Being able to recognize patterns across multiple operations while managing competing demands among stakeholders is invaluable service that not many possess but requires strong observance skills combined with relevant educational experience regarding OB concepts (“Organizational Management Skills: Definition & Examples”).

Works Cited:
Akin A., & Casio E.. “Group Dynamics And Conflict Resolution In Work Teams.” International Journal Of Business And Social Science 3.(2012): 91-97 Academic Search Complete Web 7 April 2021
“Organizational Management Skills: Definition & Examples.” Studycom , https://studycom/academy/lesson/organization-management-skills-definition-examples . Accessed 8 Apr 2021

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