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Instructional Strategies Rationale

When designing a lesson plan for students in the 1-5 grade level, Operation and Algebraic Thinking is one of the most important domains to focus on. This instrumental skill allows students to develop an understanding of how numbers work together, as well as how they can be used to solve various problems. To ensure that all students are able to access this critical material, it is essential that differentiated strategies are included in the lesson. In this case, I will address both perception and attention needs, as well as memory and retrieval needs, when creating my lesson plan.

For those who struggle with perception and attention issues, visual aids will be used throughout the instruction period. This includes pictorial representations of mathematical concepts such as number bonds or equations accompanied by basic symbols (such as +,- etc). By providing a variety of visual models for key concepts presented throughout the lesson, students will be better able to attend to and process information related to math operations. Additionally, kinesthetic activities such as group collaboration tasks or hands-on manipulative materials will help maintain student focus during instruction time by providing a more interactive learning experience. For example, if I am teaching about addition within 10 using number bonds students can work together in small groups where each person holds up their answer when asked what they got – similar results could also be obtained through peer assistive technology platforms (iPads/ Chromebooks).

Next I have chosen strategies that target those who might struggle with memory and retrieval difficulties when working with math operations; examples include using multiple repetition techniques such as word scrambles or matching games for key vocabulary words associated with operations (addition/subtraction)or more creative approaches like having students create stories based off given equations within 10 which encourage them to use expressive language while reinforcing their calculation skills . A multi sensory approach can also be beneficial here too since it helps make abstract ideas more concrete; rather than drawing out ten boxes on paper for addition problems within 20 , having physical manipulatives available for student use gives them another avenue for grasping concept mastery – especially since not all learners thrive under written directions alone (Richardson & Jeffries 2014). Other activities like graphic organizers or mnemonics along side traditional worksheets give these types of learners multiple ways to demonstrate understanding which encourages critical thinking during problem solving scenarios .

Overall I believe my selections provide an environment conducive towards enhancing learning accessibility while still maintaining relevancy towards furthering academic growth; this makes teaching engaging without sacrificing content knowledge transfer from teacher-student interactions . If implemented successfully , these instructional choices should support the practice of inclusionary principals set forth by Arizona’s educational guidelines regarding special education procedures ; focusing on individualized accommodations ensures equitable participation amongst all levels regardless any existing perceivable barriers thus promoting positive behavior reinforcement amongst diverse learner populations (Arizona Department Of Education 2018 ).


Arizona Department Of Education 2018 Special Education Rules And Regulations Retrieved From On June 30th 2020

Richardson P & Jefferies V 2014 The Teacher Book Of Lists Grades K 8 Jossey Bass

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