Online Management
How do you manage your privacy and self-disclosures online?
Do you think it is ethical for school officials or potential employers to make admission or hiring decisions based on what they can learn about you online? Why or why not?
PowerPoint Process
What was helpful to you during the process of organizing the PowerPoint presentation?
What did you find constructive in the process of designing the PowerPoint slides?
What was instructive regarding the process of taking your notes and turning them into a lesson you taught to the class using the PowerPoint?
Managing your privacy and self-disclosures online is a tricky endeavor. It’s important to be judicious in the amount of personal information you share, particularly when it comes to social media networks and personal websites. When sharing information, consider who will have access to it, how long it will remain visible, and what potential risks can arise from publicly available data. Additionally, think twice before posting any content that could be interpreted as controversial or offensive; even if you don’t mean for something to come across this way, others may not interpret it in the same light. Finally, make sure that your passwords are secure and regularly update them to prevent hacking.
It is ethically questionable for school officials or potential employers to make admission or hiring decisions based on what they can learn about an individual online due to the fact that online profiles often lack context regarding the individual’s character or true intentions behind posts. Furthermore, taking information at face value without considering other more reliable sources of evidence about an individual’s abilities or accomplishments could lead to erroneous judgments which would disadvantage applicants with potentially positive attributes but limited digital presence. In addition, some individuals may feel uncomfortable having their private data accessed by strangers who then use this knowledge during evaluation processes which could lead them into feeling exposed and vulnerable regardless of an ultimately successful outcome in terms of recommendation or job offer acceptance. Therefore such practices should only be undertaken after careful consideration of its ethical implications as well as its applicability within each particular case scenario