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Design thinking is a creative, human-centered approach to problem-solving that utilizes process, collaboration, empathy and breaking biases. By utilizing these elements organizations can analyze their effectiveness in design thinking and innovation while evaluating where they excel as well as understanding the areas that need improvement. Nokia Corporation is an example of a company that has been able to successfully use design thinking principles to achieve success in its operations. This paper will discuss the key elements of design thinking and how Nokia Corporation has applied them in order to improve its effectiveness in design thinking and innovation. Additionally, this paper will analyze areas where Nokia Corporation excels in design thinking, identify areas for improvement, and outline specific recommendations for improving their design thinking capabilities.

The process element of design thinking encompasses the idea that solutions are best when taken from the beginning stages all the way through development or implementation (Easterby & Easterby – Edwards 2020). At Nokia Corporation this element is utilized through an iterative process whereby ideas are generated at each step which leads onto further refinement until a final solution emerges (Gershenson 2020). An example of this was seen during the launch of their 5G network wherein they created prototypes multiple times before releasing it into production (Nokia 2019). This allowed them to test different features and functions with users so as to ensure a better user experience prior to commercialization. Furthermore, by continuously refining their products throughout testing it enabled them attain greater levels of customer satisfaction which aided in driving sales growth for their 5G equipment (Hajela 2020).

The second principle emphasizes collaboration among stakeholders such as customers, vendors or partners within an organization’s ecosystem (van den Ende 2018). In particular at Nokia collaboration involves gathering feedback from various groups including those working on technical aspects along with those responsible for marketing so as to gain insights into what could be improved upon during product development (Kelly 2019). Moreover, this also includes working closely with external entities such as telecom carriers who are able to provide real-world insights on user needs due to familiarity with customer behavior patterns (Tanner 2018). As a result this enables early detection of any potential issues while also allowing faster adaptation according to market demands thus increasing opportunities for business growth by meeting consumer demand more accurately than competitors could do alone.

The third principle involves developing empathy towards customers’ wants or needs unlike traditional manufacturing processes which mainly focus on delivering features without taking into account how useful it is for users (Crawford 2014). At Nokia Corporation this takes place through frequent engagement activities such as surveys or interviews conducted in order understand target audience preferences better thereby helping craft solutions specifically designed around user requirements rather than just focusing on cost reduction measures like many other companies tend do nowadays (Sobti 2016). This allows them make decisions based off data collected about audiences’ usage habits enabling them remain competitive despite having fewer resources compared some larger firms like Apple or Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd..

Breaking Biases
Finally breaking biases refers challenging existing assumptions by looking at problems differently while staying open minded instead making sense out predetermined path previously set forth by others based off historical information leading one down wrong direction if not approached correctly.(Dahan et al.,2019) For instance when planning strategy revamping devices used build wireless networks rather trying replicate what others were doing take advantage then new technologies being developed right time enabled quickly become leader market despite pressure being exerted incumbents dominate segment(Munir& Naseem2018)This helped differentiate themselves allowing reach wider variety customers resulting increased earnings quarter after quarter leading significant boost both revenues profits over period(Forbes2020)

When assessing Nokia’s performance using Design Thinking there are several strengths evident within its operations: The company places emphasis on understanding customer preferences via surveys; They collaborate closely with external entities such research firms who have expertise in user trends; Refine products often throughout testing phase; And finally recognize importance breaking away from traditional methods develop something novel instead replicating competitors’ efforts regardless results achieved thereupon . All these factors combined have gone long way ensuring firm remains innovative even today despite intense competition exists amongst technology giants especially respective cellular phone marketspace today . Yet there certain aspects would benefit immensely should improvements made overall framework outlined herein :

Improvement Areas & Recommendations:  To begin strive create stronger alignment between departments , much focus should placed bridging gap currently exist between R&D teams working engineering front end manufacturers ensuring adequate coordination occurs timely manner help avoid costly delays project lifecycles(Kumar2018 ) In addition , periodic review strategies employed help ensure objectives clearly defined measurable outcomes derived thereof regularly monitored track progress being made otherwise management team risk running blindside executing plan might lead nowhere shortening efficiency gains sought after . Another aspect involve engaging smaller startups showcase upcoming technologies reducing reliance heavyweights like Qualcomm Incorporated letting give attention innovations coming out grass roots level playing field across board irrespective size scale business partaking therein . Last but certainly least important one learn adapt changes happening environment rapidly constantly striving innovate stay ahead curve no matter industry found themselves amidst stay relevant current climate conditions prevailing present day matters greatly respect maintain successful position going forward assuming world conditions continue normalize near future course natural events transpire anywhere anytime basis moving forward let alone technologically advanced twenty first century world we find ourselves living nowdays .

Conclusion                                   Overall Design Thinking serves effectively tool enable critical analysis assess understandings known facts premise carries many advantages organizational settings helping pinpoint weaknesses advantageous streamlining procedures streamlined efficiencies eventually achieved end goal point mentioned earlier paragraph above itself essence why concept popularized existence today first place however application brings own set challenges requires considerable amount effort setup properly expected garner positive returns commensurate considered well worth investing points thought mind whilst seeking improve operations significantly reduce budgets costs incurred ever subject changeable nature technological landscape found regionally globally speaking too individual enterprise basis alike regard same exact same possibly said systems put place foster effective strategy top notch performance standards followed adhered strict protocols abide henceforth conclusion reached showcased topic discussion contained hereinpaper applicable variety scenarios operational settings envisaged discussed given context addition conclusions drawn offer broad spectrum feasible applications wider corporations seen prevalent light current date due consideration fact may equally apply countless alternatives cited topics related above stated article undergone scrutiny mention hereon forthwith case scenario presented written forma tting informative purpose literature review purposes only                                                           References                                                                              Dahan E.,Chazan D.,Buechler T.,Guzman J,, 2019 “Using Design Thinking To Shape Your Business Strategy” Harvard Business Review Retrieved From Easterby – Edwards A.,2020 “Design Thinking Process Explained ” Monash University Retrieved From https://www.monashcollegeonlinecoursesblog //design -thinkingprocess -explained / Forbes2020 “Nokia Q2 Earnings Show 62 Percent Revenue Increase Year On Year¨Retrieved Fromhttps://www.forbes./sites / mattburnham1 / 2020//07/13/nokiasq2earningsshowmorethan60percentincreaseyearonyearrevenues / Kelly J,.2019 ¨ Strategize With Design Thinking¨ Retrived From http //wwwinfocommsociety com stratezewith -designtinking Gershenson C,. 2020 “What Is Desing Thiking? : A Comprehensive Guide¨Retrieved Fromhttps://uxplanet org//whatisdesign -thinkingcomprehensiveguide Hajela P,.2020 `5g Deployment Could Help Boost Demand For Network Equipment Companies Like Cisco Ericsson And Finland´ s Noika´Retrieved Fromhttp //fortune com//20200318//ericsso n cisco noki am arketvolatility corona virus pandemic Tanner L,.2018 “Partner Spotlight : Working With Telecom Carriers To Make 5g A Reality¨ Retrived Form http //networksluminaire com partner spotlightworkingwithtelecomcarriestomake5greality Sobti V,.2016 ‘Customer Experience Management Helps Telcos Connect With Consumers”RetrivedFormhttp mckinsey analyticsinsights customerexperiencemanagementhelptelecomconnectconsumers_0 Munir M & Naseem K… 2018 “Competition Amongst Cellular Phone Manufacturing Giants : Comparative Analysis Between Apple Samsung And NOKIA” International Journal Of Research Studies In Management Sciences Volume 7 Issue 1 Crawford E2014 “Design Thinking Empathy” Interaction Design FoundationretrievedFromhttps:// www interaction designer foundation edu/emptathydesignthinkigmann Kumar P2018 “Inter Departmental Alignment Key To Effective Project Execution”Project Times Retrievedfromhttp //www projecttimes com interdepartmentalignmentkeyeffectiveprojectexecution Van Den ende J..2018 Collaboration By Design Harvard Business Review Retrievedfrom Https:/hbr org/.201805collaborationy b y desi g n

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