Below are descriptions of an NFA N.
Convert them to an NFA recognizing L(N)*.
states = {a,b,c,d}
input_alphabet = {0,1}
start_state = d
accept_states = {b}
delta =
a,0 -> {a,d};
a,1 -> {b,d};
b,0 -> a;
c,0 -> c;
c, -> a;
d,0 -> d;
d,1 -> a;
d, -> a;
question 4: regex to NFA
Below is a description of a Regular Expression R.
Convert it to an NFA recognizing L(R).
R = ((1|01)|00)*
Question 5: NFA to DFA
Below is a description of an NFA N.
Convert it to a DFA recognizing L(N).
states = {a,b,c}
input_alphabet = {0,1}
start_state = c
accept_states = {b,c}
delta =
a,0 -> a;
a, -> c;
b,1 -> c;
c,0 -> c;
c,1 -> b;