Find 1 news story that falsely portrays older persons. That is, find a news item that depicts a stereotype of older persons that is not supported by academic research. Then respond to the following questions:
1. Describe the news story in terms of its content and how older persons or aging is presented. What is the underlining stereotype communicated in the message of the news story? How does this relate to ageism?
2. Using the Bow Valley College RGO Library Database, search for 1 academic peer reviewed journal article that ‘debunks’ the stereotype (2010 to present). Present evidence from the research that suggests the news story is not supported by academic research.
3. Reflecting on the news story, use one of the theoretical perspectives explaining ageism outlined in Chapter 2 of the textbook (p. 40-45) to discuss why ageism persists. Based on the theoretical analysis, how could ageism be reduced?
To help you with this assessment read the following resources:
A. Textbook Reading: Chapter 2 (p.36-50) “Population Aging, Ageism, and Intergenerational Relations” (Funk, 2016)
B. How to Find Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles. View the Library & Learning Commons site to learn about academic peer-reviewed sources and how to search for them
C. Search SocINDEX with Full Text. Search this database to find sociological academic journal articles with access to the full text