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Problem Prioritization and Nursing Diagnosis Selection
The first problem to be prioritized for the 55-year-old female patient with cervical cancer is pain. Pain is a common symptom of advanced stages of cancer, and it should be treated as soon as possible because it can cause stress and further impede the patient’s functioning levels (Mulkerin & Howland, 2017). The appropriate NANDA-I nursing diagnosis for this problem would be Acute Pain related to tissue injury secondary to malignant neoplasm per the American Nurses Association’s primary care guidelines (2020). This nursing diagnosis is justified by evidence that pain caused by advanced stage cancer can interfere with activities of daily living and lead to impaired physical functioning in patients (Cavanaugh et al., 2018).

The second problem that needs to be prioritized is knowledge deficit regarding treatment options. Treatment options are important when making decisions about one’s healthcare. It is essential that this patient has all the information she needs in order to make informed decisions about her care. The appropriate NANDA-I nursing diagnosis for this would be Readiness for Enhanced Knowledge related to cervical cancer treatments per ANA Primary Care guidelines (2020). This nursing diagnosis is based on evidence demonstrating that having thorough understanding of treatment options leads to better outcomes by allowing patients greater control over their own healthcare choices (Hantzopoulos et al., 2020).

Nursing Interventions
For Acute Pain:
Nursing Intervention 1: Provide medication management consisting of oral or topical medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to physician orders. Rationale: Medication management provides relief from acute pain due its ability reduce inflammation, facilitate relaxation, and provide comfort measure such as warmth or cold therapy (Trujillo & Verma, 2021).
Nursing Intervention 2: Encourage relaxation techniques such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation exercises. Rationale: Relaxation techniques have been found effective in providing short term relief from acute pain while also helping reduce anxiety levels associated with chronic illnesses(Blanchard & Andrasik, 2003) .

For Readiness for Enhanced Knowledge:
Nursing Intervention 1: Assess level of understanding related to available treatments including risks and benefits associated with each option. Rationale : Assessing prior knowledge allows nurses formulate education plans tailored specific educational needs which result improved quality decision making by patients(Kosaraju et al.,2018) .

Nursing Intervention 2 : Educate patient on different types of treatments available using visual aids such pamphlets/brochures .Rationale : Visual aids have been demonstrated effective tools enhance comprehension regarding complex medical topics leading greater success when navigating through treatment decisions(Kamat et al.,2020) .

Patient Outcomes

Acute Pain Outcome At completion of plan care ,patient will report decreased discomfort score from 8/10 at baseline 6/10 within 4 hours .                                                               Readiness for Enhanced Knowledge Outcome At completion plan care ,patient will demonstrate increased understanding regarding available treatment options evidenced by verbalizing three pros cons each option within 3 days intervention initiation .

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