Fly me to the moon or Play that funky music – wild cherry band
Introduction(half page)
A paragraph including the name of the song, songwriter, year the piece was written, published or recorded. two- or four-sentence outline of what you plan to discuss in the essay.
Songwriter/s and Musical Genre (2 pages)
A one-page description of the genre of the piece of music (like Jazz /blue/funk)
A one-page outline of the biography of the composer of the piece.
Musical Analysis(1 page)
Including melody, rhythm, harmony, form, timbre, and texture.
Discuss the lyrics and relationship
Conclusion(half page)
Books, articles, encyclopedia entries, and published scores and recordings) that you used as source material in the process of writing this essay. a minimum of 6 reputable or “scholarly” sources.
the formatting guidelines recommended by Oxford University Press (see