Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis paper addressing the following: Select a theory from your worksheet. Define motivation, and provide a brief analysis of ways in which employees express motivation. Describe how this theory could be applied to two workplace situations you have experienced or witnessed. Describe how theoretical models of motivation can affect personal satisfaction and productivity. Readings from the textbook Thirty-three Theories in the Study of Motivation and Emotion (with a Supportive Reference Citation) Motivation Theory Supportive Reference Citation for Further Information Achievement goals Elliot (1997) Arousal Berlyne (1967) Attribution Weiner (1986 Broaden-and-build Fredrickson (2009)Cognitive dissonance Harmon-Jones and Mills (1999 Cognitive evaluation Deci and Ryan (1985a) Differential emotions Izard (1991) Drive Bolles (1975) Dynamics of action Atkinson and Birch (1978) Effectance motivation Harter (1981) Ego depletion Baumeister, Vohs, and Tice (2007) Ego development Loevinger (1976) Emotion regulation Gross (2002) Expectancy × Value Eccles and Wigfield (2002) Facial feedback hypothesis Laird (1974) Flow Csikszentmihalyi (1990) Goal setting Locke and Latha (2002) Implicit motives Schultheiss and Brunstein (2010) Interest Hidi and Renninger (2006) Learned helplessness Peterson, Maier, and Seligman (1993) Mindsets Dweck (2006) Motivation intensity Brehm and Self (1989) Opponent process Solomon (1980) Positive affect Isen (1987) Psychodynamics Westen (1998) Reactance Wortman and Brehm (1975) Self-actualization Rogers (1959) Self-concordance Sheldon and Elliot (1999) Self-determination Ryan and Deci (2017) Self-efficacy Bandura (1997) Sensation seeking Zuckerman (1994) Stress and coping Lazarus (1991a) Terror management Greenberg, Solomon, and Pyszczynski (1997) Second, the list of theories can serve as a means for monitoring your growing familiarity with contemporary motivation and emotion study. At the present time, you probably recognize very few of the theories listed in the table, but your familiarity will grow week by week. Months from now, you will feel more comfortable with these 33 different theories. If so, then you can be confident that you are developing a sophisticated and complete understanding of motivation and emotion. When you know motivation theories, you know motivation.SUMMARYSimply speaking, motivation is wanting. People who are motivated want change—in themselves or in the environment. The term “motivational science” means that answers to motivational questions require objective, data-based, empirical evidence gained from well-conducted and peer-reviewed research findings—findings that are used to develop, evaluate, refine, and apply theories of motivation and emotion
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