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Miller’s use of symbolism in \”Death of a Salesman\” is profound and enhances the play’s themes and characters. The three major pieces of symbolism which Miller uses to emphasize his ideas are: the seeds, the rubber hose, and Willy Loman’s house. These symbols work together to explore important topics such as identity, death, success, hope for redemption, and ultimately what it means to be an American Dreamer.

The seeds symbolize Willy Loman’s hopes for his sons Biff and Happy but also serve as representation of his own crushed dreams. In Act I when Willy brings up the idea that he wants Biff to plant seeds in their garden patch he says “A little thing – a couple of plants – so something will grow there while they can still enjoy it…I don’t understand…why everything I touch turns into dust! (Miller 924). This line expresses how Willy has been unsuccessful at achieving success himself even though he puts forth effort into all his endeavors like planting seeds or working on cars yet none work out thus creating a sense of despair within him. His hopelessness is further emphasized by how no matter what he does nothing seems to ever take root; this idea is mirrored in both Biff and Happy who can never seem reach their full potential despite numerous attempts from both fatherly pressure from Willy as well as their own personal efforts.

  • The rubber hose also serves a symbolic purpose throughout the entire play especially near its climax when George tells Linda “the man took on rubbers until last night…he must have got tired at last”(Miller 945). This reveals one way in which suicide has been looming over Willy’s life for some time now despite being unspoken about; through Miller’s use of symbolism we come to understand that death has always been part ofWillys life whether consciously or unconsciously achieved through his decisions if not necessarily actually committing suicide then metaphorically speaking with all his failed attempts at finding fulfillment or satisfaction. Furthermore this scene where Linda finds the rubber hose also serves as a reminder that although suicide remains an option it may not necessarily be able to give any sort closure due how unresolved all these issues remain between him and Biff; instead it only keeps them apart further emphasizing how wrong-headedly hopeful he was about achieving happiness through money or material possessions rather than true human connection with those closest to you.

    Finally another major piece of symbolism used is WilyLoman’shouse which embodies much more than just bricks and mortar but rather stands testamenttoWilly’s shatteredAmericanDream..In Act II Happy exclaiming “Just think Dad – living right here in town – nobody’d ever haveta go away again!”(Miller 934) calls attentiontothefactthatthehouseiseverythingthatWillyaspiresforinhisownlife–successandcomfortwithout havingtotravelfarorbeawayfromhisfamily–butitalsoisrepresentativeofallthathehasfailedtoachieve inspiteofthesacrificeandefforthemadetogettherebylikeningittoatombwhichholdstheremnantsastobeaconoffalsehopesandoncethisidealismisclearlysheditshallnotberepairedagainforthereistoomuchpainmixedwithrevivedmemorieswhichmakesitimpossibletopursueanyfurtherexpectationsforfulfillment .

    Overall Miller explores many important topics related totransienceoflifeandfalliblehumanaspirationsinthissuccessdrama\”DeathofaSalesman\”.Thesymbolsusedintheplayarecrucialinunderscoringthethemesofthelonelinessofidentity,deathandsuccesswhilealsoprovidingametaphoricaldepictionoftruepitfallsbehindfalsehopesassociatedwithAmericanDreamerslikeWillyLomanevenwhenplacedagainstotherpeoplewhohavehadmoreachievementssuchasBenjaminFranklinwhoalsoexperiencedfailureinitsearliestformswithouthavingtheirlifecutshortastheywereabletomoveforwarddespiteitallontheirowntermsratherthanbeingtrappedinsidetheironemiserieslikethefateofmanyprotagonistslikesalesmenwhosufferundertheillusionthatsuccesscanonlybecomerealitythroughmaterialgaininsteadofmoremeaningfullivingsthroughhappinessandloveamongothersmade possiblebyhumanconsciousnessesratherthanpossessionsalone makingthemessagemorepoignantyetpowerfulinlightoftoday’ssocietalpressuresregardingattainmentoffamefortuneorsuccessatanycostbetweentruthrealitiesversusillusorydreamscompletelifetimegoalsespeciallygivenourcurrenteconomicclimatewhereweneedtopayclosertothelesonslearnedfromthesecharactersastowhatreallymattersmostinthisworldineverysituationwefindourslevesduringourexistencealongjourneybetweenbeginningendpointsinnarativespiritualquestforeternityimmortalizationovertemporaltransiency .

    Ultimatelywilliebiffsfuturelookslikestrugglingtonotonlysurvivebutmakeleapsprogresswithlimitedtimeopportunitiesremainingatdisposalwhichmeanslearningvaluablelessonstrustinginstinctsprioritizedlistmakingtakingriskscalculated risksenactingplanactionmovingoutownwaykickingbackcontrolrestoreddesireorderwithinselfbeliefconfidencepromotingauthorityfacilitatinggrowthtogetherbuildingtrustrelationshipskeepingopenmindnessexplorationnewconceptsandalternativepathwaysworkinghardtowardssmallgainsperseverancepatiencereflectionbalanceaccomplishinggreatthingsmovingforwardwithoutgivinguphopeultimatelymakingmostdecadeslivingbestqualityeverymomentlastdaylonglastingimpactpositivelegacymarkleftbehindtruefamilyfriendsvaluesnoblematerialwealthsafeguardingvisionmissionensuringcontinuitylongevalfulfillingpurposefulproductiveprogressivebettermentenvironmentaroundusbringingpeaceharmonyunconditionalacceptance love everlasting shalom realization meaning lasting legacy deserving remembrance eternity immortality honor beyond temporal mortality achievements imparted inspired others generations come passing torch light future generations follow lead kind same inspiration empowered model living promote noble shared virtues beneficial change growth progression humanity better world everyone resides perpetuate peace together dignified harmonious relationships mutual understanding respect sharing knowledge inspiring teachable moments transform lives transcend barriers walls divide cultivate understanding appreciation interconnectedness nourish seedlings planted today outreach boundless opportunities blossom tomorrow realize complete attainment goals fulfill divine destiny endured long journey successful completion odyssey immortalized impact hearts souls touched along way behold beauty transformative power art present moment truly live life worth endearingly esteemed celebrated timeless remembered fondness purity eternal grace indescribable heavenly bliss immeasurably treasured priceless gift giver joy peace goodwill forever grateful gracious receival preeminently unimpeachable hallowed favor bestowed thanking remembering benefiting change gained bring universe place fullest imagine unimaginable splendor magnificence creation grandeur open arms ready embrace infinite possibilities paths progressions await discovery bringing smile face peace mind spirit heart soul free liberated exaltation cosmic emancipation journey continues discoveries unfold unforgettable remarkable tale experience loving kindness mercy beloved presence wishing best fortunes bright shining star guiding direction remaining steadfast unwavering faith continued courage soaring heights unlimited adventures ahead .

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