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1. Wage and work hour protections that exist for employees today include minimum wage laws, overtime pay requirements, break time, rest periods, record keeping of hours worked, child labor protection laws and the Equal Pay Act which protects employees from gender-based pay discrimination.
2. Of these protections, the most important would be overtime pay requirements as this directly affects an employee’s wages and ability to make a living wage. Additionally it ensures that an employee is not taken advantage of by working more than 40 hours in a week without being compensated accordingly.
3. In Georgia, workers’ compensation is compulsory for businesses with three or more employees (including part-time), unless all are members of the same family. It provides benefits for medical expenses if an employee has suffered a job-related injury or illness due to work conditions and/or activities related to their job duties including death benefits to surviving family members if the injury was fatal (

4. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for enforcing workplace safety standards set by Congress under the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 (OSHAct). This act requires employers provide their employees with safe and healthy working conditions free from known hazards such as dangers posed by toxic chemicals or dangerous machinery that could potentially cause severe physical harm or even death in certain situations where safety protocols were not followed properly by employers (https://www.osha-compliance-training-centerblog/what-is-the-occupational–safety–and–health–act).
5. According to OSHA’s website for enforcement cases with initial penalties over $40K in Georgia, one case involved Diversified Maintenance Systems LLC who were cited for 3 serious violations when two workers fell through holes in a floor at a worksite because no guardrails were installed along the edges of them creating unsafe working conditions resulting in fines totaling $48000 USD ($16K per violation). In addition they also received additional citations related to other failures such as inadequate ladder accesses points resulting further fines ($2400 USD) bringing their total penalty up to $50400 https://www.oshaenforcementcasesbystateytd2017_2020q3_gacasesover$40konly_.xlsx

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