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When it comes to interviewing candidates for a job, being alert and aware of any potential red flags is essential. One such red flag might be an applicant’s tendency toward violence. While there may not always be obvious signs, there are certain answers or comments that could suggest a person has violent tendencies.

First, if the candidate makes negative comments about past employers or colleagues, this could be a sign that they have difficulty managing anger in professional settings. For example, statements such as “My old boss was so annoying” or “My coworkers were really unhelpful” can indicate that the individual struggles with conflict resolution in a healthy way.

Second, if the applicant speaks negatively about groups of people based on race/ethnicity/sexual orientation/religion etc., this can also suggest latent aggression towards others and should be taken seriously by employers when deciding whether to hire them. Should the candidate speak disparagingly about those from different backgrounds than their own—even slightly—this could mean they have difficulties relating to people outside their social circle and do not possess the tools necessary for working well with diverse populations on a team or within an organization.

Thirdly, applicants who express strong opinions without being able to discuss them logically may be exhibiting aggressive behavior; this is especially true if these opinions become increasingly hostile during the interview process itself. Candidates should also be asked about how they handle stress or difficult situations and should give specific examples of how they remain calm and approach conflicts in a reasonable manner; answers demonstrating reluctance to use more civil methods such as communication or compromise can point toward violent tendencies.

Overall, while assessing an applicant´s propensity for violence requires taking multiple factors into consideration—including body language and overall attitude—listening closely to responses given in interviews can reveal important information regarding their character and capacity for dealing with conflicts in an appropriate way.

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