You are conducting a history and physical assessment on a one-month-old infant. Her mother brought her to the clinic because she is concerned that something is wrong with her head. The subjective information related to the head indicates the following: The mother reports that she is concerned that her daughter has an area on the top of her head that is soft to the touch and is worried that she has a malformation of the skull. Objective findings indicate that there is no trauma, injury, redness, warmth, or edema to the area.
Explain the special considerations, such as the mother’s concern about malformation as in the scenario above, which nurses should be aware of when assessing the head, neck, nose, mouth, and throat; interpreting findings; and planning nursing care for clients.
How would you interpret your findings in relation to the case scenario? What diagnoses are indicated related to the head, neck, nose, mouth, and throat?
Incorporate at least one professional, evidence-based resource to support your response (include citations and references for sources using correct format).
Share your personal experiences with the history taking, physical assessment, and interpretation of findings related to the head, neck, nose, mouth, and throat in clients with special considerations:
What were the challenges?
How did you overcome these challenges?