Summarize the case details of Malcom Alexander wrongful conviction Additionally, discuss the cause of the original wrongful conviction and what a possible solution to this problem could be. +300 words include references citation in-text is APA
Malcolm Alexander was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for a rape he did not commit. His wrongful conviction arose from a number of factors including mistaken identification, ineffective legal representation, lack of physical evidence and inadequate investigation by the police.
At the time of the crime, Malcolm was working in an appliance store near where the rape occurred. He was identified by two witnesses as being present at the scene. Following his arrest, his attorney failed to properly investigate his alibi or challenge the testimony provided by these witnesses during trial; ultimately leading to his conviction and sentence on July 29th 1983 . Malcolm remained incarcerated until April 2018 when DNA tests conclusively cleared him based on newly tested evidence that matched another person’s profile. This exoneration came after 35 years in prison due to false imprisonment arising out of this case (Krupa & Ferrara, 2019).
The primary cause of Malcolm’s original wrongful conviction can be attributed to numerous procedural errors along with racial bias which likely influenced both law enforcement officers and members of jury against him even before he went through trial (Leone , 2016). Specifically, there are questions surrounding whether race played a role in how suspiciously they viewed him compared with other suspects who were white males (Harris & Lyon, 2005). Furthermore, it is possible that some jurors opted for a guilty verdict without fully understanding their responsibilities or respecting its importance due to systemic racism within our justice system (Lopez et al., 2020). Additionally, mistakes made by police investigators may have also been responsible for their reliance on eyewitness testimony that proved unreliable given their inability to adequately corroborate records or other tangible evidence against Malcolm’s version of events (Moreno & Kimhicks-Browne 2017) . Ultimately this would lead them down a one-way path towards convicting an innocent man. Ultimately such improper practices demonstrate just how easy it is for our criminal justice system and all its components be used as tools for injustice under certain circumstances and should therefore be something we strive continue improving upon moving forward (Golash-Boza & Syed 2015).
To prevent tragedies like this from happening again it is important that those involved with criminal investigations thoroughly examine all available facts associated with any given case rather than relying solely on witness statements which can prove unreliable over time especially when there is no corroborating evidence available(Lahav et al., 2004). Additionally improved training initiatives aimed at addressing implicit biases found among prosecutors and law enforcement officers could help reduce instances where someone’s race influences decision making processes related cases involving individuals accused of crimes regardless if they are innocent or not(Sommers et al., 2001 ). Lastly comprehensive reforms must be implemented so that indigent defendants who cannot afford legal counsel receive competent representation throughout their trials as well as appeals process(Gould 2011) . Such measures will hopefully ensure everyone receives fair treatment under law while simultaneously reducing chances somebody innocent people wind up spending long periods behind bars wrongly convicted like Malcom Alexander did before DNA testing finally cleared him after more than three decades behind bars
Gould , S. J.(2011) Inadequate defense: Bad lawyering contributes significantly to Wrongful Convictions Retrieved June 10 2021 from
Harris , P., Lyon E.(2005 ) Race matters: Racial features associated with false identification decisions . Law And Human Behavior Volume 29 Issue 1 Page 69–86 https://doi-org/10../1023/B:LAHU .0000062177 .47975 .4b Retrieved June 10 2021
Krupa A.,Ferrara D.(2019 ) After 36 years in Prison For Rape He Didn’t Commit Man Exonerated By DNA Retrieeved June 10 2021 From https://www1newyorkupstatecom/buffalo/2019 /04 /man_cleared_of_1982 _rape _after_36yearsinprisonhtml
Lahav G,, Gross S,. Edkins V.(2004) The influence Of Eyewitness Identification On Police Investigation Practices : An Experimental Study Law And Human Behavior Volume 28Page 705 -735 Retrieved May 20th2021from https://link Springer com /article /10 1007 %2Fs10979 -004 -8147x//fulltext html ? view=classic
Leone R.(2016) Racially Biased Inquiry During Trial As Potential Cause Of Wrongful Conviction Journal Of Indigent Defense Volume 2 Number 1 Pages 80 – 105 Retrieved May 20th2021 From http://scholarship tmu edu tw /handle 2025195399 Lopez C Et Al(2020 ) Systemic Bias In The Criminal Justice System At All Levels Of Jurisdiction : A Review International Journal Of Environmental Research Public Health 17 18 3462 doi : 103390 ijerph17183462 retrieved 15 February 2021From https:/ /pubmed ncbi nlm nih gov /32484316 Moreno L ,Kimhicks Browne JE(2017 ) Investigating The Role That Race Plays In False Identification Decisions Trauma Violence Abuse 0021909117730712 DOI : 101177%2F1524838017730712 Retrieved 15 Febuary 2021Fromhttps:/Journals sagepub com Doi pdfdirect 1011771524838017730712 Sommer R Et Al (2001) White Jurors’ Attitudes About Black Defendants’ Guilt Psychological Science 12 1646 – 1649 DOI:101037 //0022395 012116461x retrieved March 30 th2021 From Https:/Psycnet apa org Record pss 012116461x?index=89&