Find a non-scholarly web page NOT a website that relates to “What can be done to make mandatory drug testing a sustainable solution to dealing with substance abuse among American laborers?“. Examine your chosen non-scholarly web page for currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose.
Apply the CRAAP test to your source.
For each of the CRAAP criteria, start a new paragraph.
In each paragraph, state which criterion you are addressing and evaluate the source based on that criterion.
Provide specific examples to support your evaluation.
Evaluate your source’s overall strength based on the elements of the CRAAP test. Is this source appropriate to use in answering to your question, why or why not?
Explain one thing you have learned from the process of doing this CRAAP test.
Provide a properly formatted APA reference to the web page at the end of your initial post.Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.
Provided a doc to explain whats a webpage vs website. Also explains what the CRAAP test is.
Sample Solution