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Lean tools are a way to optimize and streamline processes within the supply chain in order to reduce costs and improve efficiency. There are two main types of lean tools; basic tools, which focus on improving the individual aspects of an operation, and advanced tools, which look at entire systems as a whole.

Basic Lean Tools:
5S Methodology – This tool is designed to organize work areas with improved organization techniques. It involves sorting through workplace items that are used regularly and discarding those that aren’t necessary or needed. The remaining items should be labelled for easy identification, arranged in their most efficient orientation and kept clean for rapid access when needed. This can help reduce waste by reducing the amount of time spent searching for misplaced items, as well as making it simpler to sort out what needs to stay and what does not need to be there any longer.
Value Stream Mapping – Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is used to identify potential sources of waste within the production process from beginning to end. VSM uses 7 different steps including Define Scope, Identify Current State Map, Identify Improvement Opportunities/Future State Map, Develop Detailed Action Plans/Implementation Plan & Execution Plan & Monitor Results/Verification & Validation Measurement System Design Processes. This will allow you eliminate non-value added activities while also increasing visibility into your operations performance by helping you better understand each step taken throughout your supply chain logistics system.

Advanced Lean Tools: Kanban System – Kanban is an inventory management system that allows you to better manage stocks with greater control over demand. It helps plan resources more effectively as well as track progress along value streams quickly without having too many parts available at once or running out prematurely before demands have been meted out fully ensuring optimal stock levels are achieved no matter how complex their needs may be . Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – TPM focuses on proactive maintenance procedures that use equipment data from sensors or other sources such as predictive analytics technology or machine learning algorithms in order for them find problems before they become costly issues down the line allowing companies save money from unplanned downtime caused by unexpected breakdowns .
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “good change” .It refers specifically continuous improvement initiatives focused on developing long-term solutions for recurring problems along every stage of production process ,from manufacturing all the way up delivery methods .Its ultimate goal its create value adding elements leading towards reduced costs ,faster throughput times ,fewer defects plus improved quality output overall creating more successful outcomes overall across entire supply chains enabling organizations remain competitive against larger competitors due ever changing markets dynamics . Kaizen works hand in hand with Six Sigma principles where it applies those same techniques involving small incremental changes so they can add up big over time helping organizations achieve higher cost savings while becoming even stronger leaders market place too

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