Create a literature review paper out of the OUTlINE that is provided. The
literature review will be the background information for a later study that will be conducted over the topic of
MMA and Footballs effects on early adult hood and late adulthood, and it will be measured by concussive
symptoms and damage. In this assignment you should analyze the literature on this topic and make summary’s
of this research. I expect that the OUTLINE provided will be follow to the best of your ability, but if key changes
need to be made it order for the paper to be better, some very slight altercations can be made. The sources
must be peer-reviewed and must have a method section.
Resources for Writing a Literature Review
Creating a Research Question/Problem Statement/Hypothesis
Creating a research question:
Developing a hypothesis:
Develop a hypothesis:
Problem Formulation:
How to write a problem statement:
Sample Solution