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I have chosen to examine and Monday morning quarterback the 2018 Camp Fire in Paradise, California. The Camp Fire burned for 17 days, becoming the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California’s history. It caused 85 deaths, destroyed over 19000 homes, burned more than 153 000 acres of land and had an estimated economic loss of $16 billion dollars.

In order to assess what could have been done differently with regards to risk analysis, I will analyze this event using Bennett’s (2018) framework from Understanding, Assessing, and Responding to Terrorism: Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Personnel (2nd ed.). This framework consists of three key steps: identifying risks; assessing those risks; and responding appropriately.

First is the step of identifying risks associated with a potential disaster or major event like the Camp Fire in Paradise. When identifying such risks one must consider both external hazards (such as climate change) that may be out of an organization’s control; as well as internal driving factors (like hazardous fuel conditions) that can increase vulnerability by making these external hazards more likely to cause destruction or damage. In regard to the Camp Fire it has been reported that this fire was sparked by a faulty power line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric Company located near mountainous terrain filled with dense vegetation – both external hazards which contributed significantly to how quickly the fire spread following ignition. Internal factors such as inadequate maintenance on PG&E power lines combined with long-term drought conditions created hazardous fuel loads which further increased this area’s vulnerability towards experiencing a large-scale wildfire disaster during high wind events such as when this fire began on November 8th 2018.

The second step is assessing those identified risks which can be accomplished through performing a formal risk assessment process involving multiple stakeholders including local communities/residents who are most at risk from potential disasters like wildfires fueled by hazardous fuel loads established from years of drought conditions combined with inadequate infrastructure maintenance procedures performed by utility companies such as PG&E operating within these areas . By conducting a comprehensive evaluation into why certain areas are particularly vulnerable towards experiencing large-scale fires – along with discussions regarding what safety measures should be put in place – organizations can limit their liability while also helping protect lives during future high-risk incidents like when sparks from faulty electrical infrastructure ultimately ignited this massive inferno near Paradise on November 8th 2018 causing unprecedented levels of destruction for those living nearby before being successfully contained nearly two weeks later following tremendous efforts exerted by firefighters valiantly battling against nature itself all throughout northern California in late autumn 2018 From reports released after the fact it appears that if PG&E had conducted regular assessments into their aging infrastructure then they may have determined whether any preventative measures were necessary prior to potential fires breaking out due to faulty wiring sparking up amidst dry fuels loaded areas like when they experienced up around Paradise leading up until November 8th 2018 – where if proper protocols would have been adhered too then much suffering now linked directly back towards them may not ever have came about at all..
Safety protocols aside however it seems important here too point out how governmental agencies themselves could benefit greatly from improved communication systems between them so information pertaining too potentially dangerous situations requiring attention which are discovered within communities can effectively relayed immediately without any delays possibly savin precious time otherwise wasted waiting for word before decisive action taken becomes possible instead..

Finally comes responding appropriately once initial assessments have been completed which requires policy makers creating whatever regulations deemed necessary pertaining specifically too whatever environmental issues result in significant threats posed versus their constituents lives livelihoods property etcetera.. For example specific residential building codes need implemented requiring construction materials used resistant against flames because due largely toward combustible housing structures utilized heavily within affected area great deal devastation seen beyond what would typically expected under ordinary circumstances Likewise inspections related disposal items containing toxic residue resulting burning needs occur promptly order mitigate postfire public health concerns associated asbestos smoke other particulates found air general vicinity Finally proactive planning required ensuring adequate resources available firefighters charged fighting eventualities occurring extreme temperatures etcetera together aware first responders present evacuation plans ready implementation seconds notice prove critical saving countless numbers human suffering endured otherwise

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