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1. Merging cultures: A critical challenge for CEOs and senior managers is integrating two distinct corporate cultures so that employees from both parties can work together productively and efficiently. This requires careful consideration of the organizational values, mission, and goals of both companies to ensure a favorable outcome.

2. Negotiating new roles: With a merger comes a reshuffling of personnel into new leadership roles; current roles must be renegotiated or eliminated in order to optimize the efficiency of their newly combined company structure. It is essential that this process is handled with respect for each individual’s contribution to the previous organization, as well as an understanding of how they may fit into the new culture overall.

3. Leveraging talent: After the merger has officially taken place, it becomes increasingly important that CEOs and senior managers are able to identify and leverage key talent within both companies who will help drive success in their newly combined form.

4. Overcoming resistance: Change can be difficult for many people especially when it involves something unexpected like a merger; there may be understandable pushback from staff members on both sides as they adjust to their new realities. The ability to recognize this resistance quickly and address it appropriately with effective communication strategies can play an integral role in ensuring a successful transition period post-merger phase-in period.

5. Aligning leaders: As part of any successful merger or acquisition strategy, CEOs and senior management must develop one unified vision across all levels of leadership so that everyone understands what needs to happen going forward in order for them to reach their collective goals faster than previously possible through independent entities alone.. The most crucial challenge here is creating alignment among leaders since different departments are likely familiar with different processes & procedures which could create challenges if not addressed properly & early on during the integration process itself.

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