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Law enforcement is a crucial part of society. It serves as an invaluable service to protect and ensure the safety of citizens. As someone who has always been driven by a desire to help those less fortunate than myself, I chose law enforcement as my career path because I wanted to make sure that everyone in our communities has access to safety and justice. Law enforcement provides this important service through its officers, detectives, investigators, dispatchers and other personnel who work hard every day to keep our streets safe.

For me personally, law enforcement means so much more than just enforcing laws; it is about being part of something bigger than yourself. Working in law enforcement gives me the opportunity to be a positive role model for those around me and make a difference in people’s lives. It also allows me the rare privilege of having an impact on public policy at large by providing input into decisions that affect all members of society including victims, offenders and their families alike. It takes dedication, commitment and courage coupled with knowledge acquired from training programs such as police academies or corrections academies like mine which focus on developing skills necessary for success in law enforcement fields while instilling values related to preserving life and protecting society’s rights under the rule of law.

At its core, however, what makes working in law enforcement unique is the sense of community it fosters between officers themselves as well as with their civilian counterparts within societies they serve – there is no better feeling than knowing you are playing an essential part in keeping your neighborhood safe from crime or helping those wrongfully accused move forward after facing charges against them (Eisenstadt & Egeberg). Perhaps even more so now given current events related to calls for reform across policing practices worldwide; simply put – working in law enforcement gives one a chance not only to serve his/her country but also become part of larger conversations surrounding civil liberties and social justice issues that are shaping tomorrow’s world today (Kraska & Cubellis).

That said – when we look beyond personal motivation behind why individuals choose careers within criminal justice system what truly makes their mission unique lies within principles upon which United States was built: equality before the eyes of God rather than inequality before human beings; respect for inherent dignity possessed by every individual regardless race creed color gender or sexual orientation; fidelity towards promise made by Declaration Of Independence regarding giving “life liberty pursuit happiness” all Americans without bias towards certain group over another – these ideals have shaped American experience since time immemorial (Urista & Gruenewald) . We can take pride both national level where values enshrined Constitution guarantee vital freedoms citizens enjoy everyday local level where patrolmans uphold trust placed them community whenever answering call duty come out victorious terms ensuring peace stability despite trying circumstances . Ultimately whether talking about small town USA city hubs somewhere else this planet it always comes back same premise: Upholding Rule Law through fair impartial administration Justice no matter consequences remain standing beacon hope future generations will follow attain even higher standard living possibilities become reality instead impossible dream hidden away book history archives never forgotten nor ignored again! In conclusion – serving field legal forcement involves great deal responsibility know without dedicated men women willing risk everything protect fellow Brother Sister they would no longer able secure stable environment themselves family live comfortably provided care security deserve during lifetime journey ahead us each uncovering purpose meant fulfill while gaining greater understanding meaning word “justice” true essence intentions intended original founding fathers play major role fulfilling mission legacy fulfill long-term goals promote civility throughout nation abroad continue build strong functional democracy stand test time!

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