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I believe that I have achieved my goals in taking this class, which was to gain a better understanding of the topics and concepts surrounding communication. Through the readings, assignments, discussions, and debates I have gained insight into a variety of ideas such as effective listening skills, active participation in conversations and presentations, conflict resolution strategies, organizational communication models and theories.

In terms of contributions I made to others in the class I feel like I was able to provide thoughtful insights during our discussions on certain topics. For example when we discussed different case studies or examples related to the course material it allowed me to come up with solutions based on what we had learned so far. Additionally during group work or debates with peers about certain aspects related to the course material were helpful for both myself as well as my peers since we were able to give each other new perspectives on issues ranging from interpersonal relationships at work to public speaking techniques.

While there were many useful concepts explored throughout this course one specific topic that has been particularly interesting is exploring how culture influences communication styles worldwide. This has opened up my eyes more towards how cultural backgrounds can affect our interpretation of various messages said between individuals within different contexts; whether it be personal conversations or business negotiations for example. An article by Richard Lewis entitled “Cultural Differences: The Impact” (2012) dives further into how culture plays an important role in understanding why people communicate differently depending on their environment. Understanding these differences can make all the difference when communicating with someone from another background because not everyone processes information similarly due its varying contexts associated with different cultures through language barriers or even nonverbal cues unique in certain parts of world (Lewis 2012).

Reflecting upon my writings and discussions over this semester have taught me that self-awareness is incredibly important when it comes successfully communicating effectively with those around us no matter where they are from or what type of relationship you may have through understanding your own limitations while using these newfound knowledge will enable both parties involved respect each other’s point of view much more easily than before . It also allows conversations within any given context become less confrontational allowing ideas flow more smoothly leading positive outcomes for either side regardless if its two colleagues discussing a project together all way down even just having polite conversation with family members who hold values significantly opposed yours . Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses can allow you avoid pitfalls involving miscommunication making sure interactions remain successful although sometimes surprising outcome may arise out disagreement but still learning something valuable from situation itself nevertheless .

Overall reflecting upon my learning experience throughout this entire class has taught me valuable lessons about communication forms allowing me apply real life situations whether it be workplace friendships , public speaking events , networking opportunities etc.. At same time being open minded while preparing suitable solutions actually encountering problems head helps ensure success no matter who involved thanks vast array thought provoking activities done together fellow students instructor alike ..


Lewis R., (2012 ) Cultural Differences : The Impact . Retrieved From

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