along which you identify personal and professional areas of improvement. These can be based on your [virtual]
experience in this module, but also from experiences prior or from outside the context of this module. You are
requested to produce reflections for five critical incidents along which you recognise that you require personal
and/or professional development. The recognition of such incidents is usually associated with feedback or
results that made you think that YOUR behaviour in a given situation, your attitude toward a specific goal or
your skills levels for carrying out a task were/are not sufficient, and you recongise that without improvement
and/or development you may encounter such situations again in the future. The learning objectives and the
correlating learning content for this module are designed to help you recognise a wide variety of possible
developmental areas, particularly relating to working across cultures, including reflections on the relevance of
language in your personal and professional life.
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application
a) explain the key principles of cultural differences in a professional context.
b) identify areas for self-development and explore strengths and weaknesses, through reflecting on own role,
purpose and effect within relevant personal and professional communities.
Employability & Changemaker Skills
c) demonstrate a range of essential skills and capabilities necessary to work in different cultural contexts.
d) build professional presence on social media with a focus on future employability.