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The problem of interpretation that I have chosen to explore in relation to Jane Austen’s Persuasion is the role of class and gender dynamics. In the novel, there are stark differences between the upper-class families such as Sir Walter Elliot and Lady Russell and the middle-class families such as William Musgrove, Charles Musgrove, Mary Musgrove and Anne Elliot. This difference in backgrounds creates tension between characters in regards to wealth, lifestyle expectations and power dynamics. It also brings up issues related to gender roles where female characters are often limited by their family’s social standing or marital prospects.

In order to solve this problem of interpretation, I will use tools from a psychoanalytical approach. Through this approach we can look at how unconscious drives play out through class dynamics which sets prohibitions on certain behaviours for both male and female characters based upon their respective classes e.g., women being unable to be seen as independent agents or men being unable marry within a lower class than them. We can also observe how underlying desires shape individual decisions within different family contexts e.g., Sir Walter’s need for status overruling his daughter Anne’s marriage choice or Captain Wentworth’s disapproval of Louisa musgrave’s romantic choices because she is from a higher rank than him etc.. Through an outlook that takes into account these complex underlying motivations, we can better understand why certain decisions were made within the context of class associations while still recognizing an individual’s autonomy over their own life choices regardless of familial constraints

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