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Intramembranous and endochondral ossification are two different processes of bone formation in the body. Intramembranous ossification is the process by which flat bones, such as the skull or clavicles, form directly from fibrous membranes. This process begins with mesenchymal cells that differentiate into osteoblasts, which secrete calcium phosphate to form hard mineralized matrix around themselves. The mineralized matrix then forms a lattice-like structure known as trabeculae that further develops into spicules and finally a fully formed plate of bone. In contrast to intramembranous ossification, endochondral ossification occurs when cartilage is replaced by bone tissue through calcification. This process begins with an initial model made up of hyaline cartilage created by chondroblasts. As this model grows and matures it undergoes changes due to calcification, invasion of blood vessels, release of enzymes that break down the ground substance component within cartilage, and resorption away from the perichondrium layer surrounding the growth plate cartilage itself until there is only a thin layer remaining for support during growth. After resorption has occurred most components have been removed leaving just hardened bony tissue behind resembling a fully developed long bone (Tortora & Derrickson 2009).

Fractures are one pathology often involving bones and their effects on them can vary greatly depending on how severe they are but generally all fractures involve either breaking or cracking parts of bone due to pressure or trauma placed on them beyond their structural capacity (Tortora & Derrickson 2009). Acute treatment usually involves immobilization through casts or splints along with pain medication while long term management may include physical therapy in order to regain function (Bakhiet et al., 2020). Bone diseases meanwhile encompass any number of disorders caused by abnormal metabolism resulting in too little calcium being absorbed leading to weak bones susceptible fracture (Hastings et al., 2019) Treatment options here rely heavily on promoting good nutrition centered around foods rich in minerals such as dairy products along with potentially taking supplements if necessary (Hastings et al., 2019). Lastly tumors can be found either inside or near bones depending on where they are located causing destruction to both tissue stuck between them while also creating swelling and pain due to compression by expanding masses reducing circulation within area affected (Neumann 2018). Surgery via removal may be required followed alongside radiation therapy/chemotherapy if deemed necessary afterwards(Neumann 2018) .


Bakhiet M., Cacciola G., Gasparini G., Haddad F.; D’Angelo R.; Castelli P.; Cochrane L.; Maffulli N.(2020); Fracture classification systems; Orthopedics; 43(1):e19-e20

Hastings A.; Maricar N.; Chio JCC.(2019); Bone health; Family Practice ; 36(3):299-306
Neumann C.(2018); Tumors Of The Skeletal System; Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Techniques And Applications ; Elsevier Inc.: 365–390

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