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The most recent year in the UCDP list is 2020. In 2020, there was a conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir which began in 1947. This conflict has been ongoing for decades, resulting in multiple wars, cross-border terrorism, and heightened tensions between the two countries.

The framework of opportunity provides an interesting perspective on this conflict as it helps to explain why it started and continues today. The main idea behind opportunity theory is that political violence occurs when individuals or groups perceive opportunities to advance their goals through violent means (Frey & Lüthi, 2008). Opponents are likely to take advantage of such opportunities if they believe that they will benefit from doing so – for example by gaining power or resources (Leboeuf et al., 2014). Furthermore, these opportunities can be created or enhanced due to a variety of factors such as weak governance institutions or socio-economic disparities (Gurr, 2000).

In the case of India and Pakistan’s dispute over Kashmir, many scholars have argued that the conflict emerged out of competing claims to control this region (Kapur & Solheim 2007; Hashemi 2012). These claims were based on ethnic differences between Indian Hindus majority population and Pakistani Muslims minority population which led them to view accession differently with both sides believing that they could gain more power by controlling Kashmir themselves rather than allowing the other side to do so. Additionally, India’s move towards Hindu nationalism has further exacerbated tensions between the two countries as Pakistani leaders fear that India may attempt to “Hinduize” this region or engage in discriminatory behavior against religious minorities living there (Schmidt 2015; Kapur & Solheim 2007).

Furthermore, weak governance institutions in both countries have enabled them to take advantage of any potential opportunities presented by their dispute over Kashmir as governments are not held accountable for their actions or decisions regarding this region. This lack of accountability allows them to pursue strategies aimed at advancing their own interests without significant external pressure from international organizations or other states (Hashemi 2012) . Similarly socio-economic disparities within both societies can also create incentives for politicians who wish take advantage of such disputes in order achieve popularity amongst constituents by presenting themselves as strong nationalists capable of defending the nation’s rights against foreign threats regardless whether these threats exist or not(Gurr 2000 ).

Overall it seems clear that opportunity provides an effective framework for understanding why India and Pakistan’s dispute over Kashmir started as well as why it continues today. From an opportunity perspective this conflict was born out competing claims based on ethnic differences coupled with weak governance systems which allowed participants take advantage any potential advantages presented by their dispute while also using nationalist rhetoric boost support among constituents back home .


Frey B., Lüthi S., 2008: Opportunity Makes The Thief: Poverty And Political Violence Over Time And Space American Journal Of Political Science 52(4), pp 875–892 1093/ajps/52 4 875 Gurr T., 2000: People vs States: Minorities At Risk In The New Century United States Institute Of Peace Press Washington DC Hashemi N., 2012: Desecuritizing Conflict Resolution Approaches To Ethnic Disputes International Studies Review 14(1), pp 79–102 https:// doi org/ 10 1111 / j 1749 6854 20120070 x Kapur D., Solheim C., 2007 : India Emerging Power Heather Publishing House Oxford Leboeuf R J W S Wood E R Brighmanan C G 2014: Explaining Violent Conflict An Introduction To Strategies And Regimes Routledge London Schmidt P M 2015: Nationalism Dynamics Of Internal Conflict In South Asia Cambridge University Press Cambridge

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