(a) Identify where you located information about the story and explain what caught your interest, [1 paragraph]
(b) Describe and analyze the issue at hand in the story. Why is there a news story, and in what way does it involve Islam and/or Muslims? [3-5 paragraphs]
(c) Evaluate the source(s): Who were the sources (the reporter and his/her informants)? How do you believe that the original reporter of the story you read handled the issue? In what sense(s) was the reporter(s) “fair” or “unbiased”? How could you help the journalist to be more ‘balanced’ or ‘objective’ or ‘accurate’ in reporting the story?
(d) Imagine what you do not know and what else you would like to know about this story, in order to understand the issues better. What information would you need to locate to help you better understand the issue(s)? What questions would you ask? [1 paragraph]
(e) Sources Consulted: All sources consulted (interpersonal, printed, or digital) must be properly cited, with a full bibliographic entry at the end of the paper.