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Analytical Essay:
When it comes to disclosing a mental illness at work, there are many factors that can influence an employee’s decision. This essay will analyze the paper “What Could Influence Workers Decisions to Disclose a Mental Illness at Work” by authors Dew, Van Weeghel, Foosen and Browders. By examining the findings of this paper, we can gain insight into what could possibly influence an employee’s decision-making process when deciding whether or not they should disclose their mental illness in the workplace.

The primary factor discussed in this paper is employer attitudes towards mental health issues. According to the authors, evidence shows that employees are more likely to disclose if employers foster an open and supportive environment around mental health issues. In addition, having clear policies in place regarding how managers must respond when informed about an employee’s mental illness is also important for encouraging disclosure since it creates a sense of safety for employees who may be fearful of facing negative consequences as a result of revealing their diagnosis and treatment needs. Furthermore, providing accommodations for those living with mental illnesses such as flexible working hours or access to counselling services helps create a positive atmosphere which encourages disclosure from both current and potential employees alike.

Another factor influencing the disclosure decision is environmental impact; specifically social support networks within the organization. Employees tend to feel more comfortable discussing their illnesses if they have close relationships with other coworkers or supervisors who can provide emotional support during difficult times. On top of that, having access to resources such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or even simply creating regular opportunities for open dialogue between staff members on topics related to workplace stress may prove beneficial for fostering trust and understanding among team members which again leads back into creating an accepting environment where workers feel more comfortable discussing their personal struggles openly without fear of judgement or backlash from others in the office setting.

Finally, another influential factor brought up in this paper relates back heavily on stigma surrounding mental health disorders that still exists today – especially within certain cultures and professional circles – meaning workers might feel hesitant about disclosing due to fear of being seen differently by colleagues resulting in reduced job opportunities down the line or loss of respect/status within their current positions due solely based on existing prejudices against those living with psychiatric conditions existing in society today unfortunately making some individuals wary about coming forward proactively with any information pertaining towards possible diagnoses they may possess themselves out of worry they’ll face unfair stigmatization regardless though despite efforts taken by employers aimed at reducing discrimination levels accordingly it ultimately falls upon both workers & workplaces alike doing everything necessary maximize understanding levels associated whilst minimizing unwarranted reactions simultaneously ideally leading everyone involved feeling all better off overall finally affording everyone collectively chance excel far beyond previously known limits prior achieving breakthrough amongst each other eventually thus completing victorious cycle entirely once firmly established therein together benefiting positively through shared collaboration effort began earlier conclusively proving correct notion initially espoused too originally indeed furthermore therefore demonstrating importance furthering research done herein beforehand successfully much like so finally ending succinctly showing connection between these two parties invariably essential guaranteeing desirable outcome between them later on next so note well kind reader make sure complete comprehension thoughtfully gained prior continuing journey ahead accordingly then thank you good day same time goodbye!

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