Write a five paragraph essay (worth 100 points) comparing two individuals who have had a meaningful impact in your life that are outside of your family. The essay should include: 1) an introduction, 2) body paragraph with a basis of comparison, 3) another body paragraph with another basis of comparison , 4)another body paragraph with an additional basis of comparison, 5) a concluding paragraph ( What is a basis of comparison? For example if you were writing a comparison essay about two cars the basis of comparison could be design, affordability, and fuel efficiency). You can design your essay using the basis of comparison that you want. Use the following checklist to revise your essay before you submit it: 1) Does the introduction clearly state the two individuals being compared/contrasted? Does the thesis statement clearly state the three basis of comparison? 2) Doe the introduction give the reader an idea of the approach to the topic that the writer is going to take? 3) Does each body paragraph focus on one element or basis of comparison? 4) Does the writer use a variety of expressions to show comparison and contrast? 5) Is the writer’s opinion in the conclusion? Is the opinion supported by the body paragraphs? Please review the following grading rubric before you write: ESL 33B Holistic Rubric.docx Here is a list of a variety of expressions to show comparison and contrast: Comparison :Similarity just as in the same way as/that similar to like Contrast: Difference while/whereas in contrast to unlike Concession although even though though despite the fact that