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Public health professionals work diligently to address a wide range of chronic and infectious diseases. It is essential for public health professionals to have a thorough understanding of the etiology, behavior, and transmission of these diseases in order to effectively combat their effects on individuals and communities.
One example of an infectious disease that poses a significant risk to public health is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus which attacks the body’s immune system causing it to become weakened over time. HIV can be spread through sexual contact with an infected person, through sharing needles while injecting drugs, or from mother-to-child during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 36 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2018, with nearly 1 million deaths due to AIDS-related illnesses in 2017 alone. Despite advancements made in treatment options such as antiretroviral therapy (ART), there remains no vaccine for HIV/AIDS, making prevention efforts all the more vital. Such preventative measures include awareness campaigns about safe sex practices as well as needle exchange programs for intravenous drug users.

A chronic disease that also requires considerable attention from public health professionals is Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). CVD includes heart attack, stroke, and other conditions related to plaque buildup in artery walls which restricts blood flow and damages organs or tissues dependent upon oxygenated blood supply from them. This buildup can be caused by lifestyle factors such as smoking tobacco products or eating unhealthy diets high in fat and sodium content alongside risk factors like high cholesterol levels or diabetes mellitus type 2 being present already within an individual’s family history or genotype makeup itself. According to 2019 figures reported by CDC , around 655 000 Americans die annually due causes stemming from CVD; this translates into roughly 1 out every 4 deaths occurring each year being attributed directly towards CVD – easily making it one of the leading causes amongst deaths within USA boundaries . Preventive measures employed against CVD encompass lifestyle changes like adopting healthier dietary habits alongside regular exercise regimens along with taking any prescribed medications meant specifically designed too help reduce chances & occurrences associated with suffering from CVD .
In conclusion , both infectious & chronic diseases pose substantial risks towards public health – thus requiring concerted effort & cooperation between multiple parties alike , ranging anywhere from individuals themselves up until governmental branch levels . Public Health Professionals must remain vigilant when studying & researching each respective organisms’ etiologies , behaviors ,alongside transmission patterns so as too adequately inform strategies & plans intended too bolster current initiatives aimed towards improving overall quality standards amongst society members .

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