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I have selected the Google Classroom learning platform for online instruction due to its ease of use, powerful features, and ability to integrate with many other programs. It is cost-effective and provides teachers with access to a wealth of resources that can be used in their classrooms. As an educational leader, I believe this platform will help our school district move quickly into a distance learning environment while maintaining high standards of quality instruction.

To provide immediate professional development to teachers who must implement this program, I plan on having faculty meetings where I explain the basic features and functionality of the Google Classroom platform. During these meetings we will also discuss best practices when it comes to implementing digital tools such as creating and scheduling assignments, providing feedback on student work, grading assignments, using video conferencing apps like Zoom or Skype for synchronous classes or office hours, using discussion boards for asynchronous conversations with students about course topics, etc.. In addition to faculty meetings I am also working with local universities offering online courses in instructional technology so that our teachers can become certified in teaching in an online environment.

In order to inform families about the move to online learning I plan on sending out a letter explaining why we have decided to make the transition from traditional classroom instruction to distance learning as well as what types of services are available through Google Classroom that parents should be aware of (e.g., how they can monitor their child’s progress). We will also offer multiple opportunities for families who may need extra assistance with navigating the new system; these could include webinars hosted by myself and/or members of my staff instructing them on how they can access gradebooks or assignment folders within Google Classroom as well as adding support contacts such as counselors or administrators who are available if needed.

Curriculum, instruction and assessment should all be interconnected within any online platform so that teachers are able create meaningful assessments based upon what has been taught during class time. To ensure this happens in our school district’s implementation of Google Classroom I will create rubrics detailing what aspects should be included when designing assessments – things like ensuring objectives are linked directly back to lesson plans / material covered during class time or making sure each question aligns with both state standards & applicable local education policies – which must then be shared & discussed amongst my staff prior implementation into daily practice. This way every teacher is aware of what needs must be met while creating tests & projects which ultimately helps improve instructional quality across our district overall.

Lastly but not least importantly – since part of being a good educational leader involves promoting organizational compliance – throughout this process it is important that I monitor & review my teachers’ adherence rate towards meeting all requirements set forth by me pertaining distance learning via Google Classroom (e.g., submitting weekly reports derived from their data analysis regarding student performance vs state standards). Furthermore setting up regular check-ins between myself & each individual teacher discussing how effective certain strategies were implemented should go far not only toward ensuring everyone remains compliant but also promotes collaboration among colleagues thus helping establish stronger relationships among staff members resulting more efficient workflow operations at large scale level here at school site level too!

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