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Question 1: What is the Impact of Stop Hiring Saudi Nursing Diploma Holders and Close Public and Private Health Institutes on Nursing Profession?

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the policies regarding hiring Saudi nursing diploma holders and closing public and private health institutes within Saudi Arabia. This move has not only had a profound impact on the nursing profession within the country but also has implications for nurses around the world. To gain a better understanding of this issue, it will be necessary to explore various aspects of how this policy impacts nursing, such as its effect on job opportunities, career development, salaries, educational standards, and overall quality of care.

The most obvious repercussion experienced by those affected by these changes is an immediate loss of jobs. Many nurses who have diplomas or higher qualifications are now unable to get employment in their field due to lack of available positions caused by government regulations. In addition to losing potential income and benefits associated with working at an institution that provides healthcare services, many nurses may be forced into taking lower paying jobs in order to make ends meet due to limited alternative options available in their specialized area (Ahmed et al., 2017). Furthermore, despite having spent time completing their education and potentially gaining experience from prior placements, they may find themselves unable to progress within their chosen career path because of limited openings caused by this policy change (Khaldi & Sultan 2020).

Another consequence stemming from restrictions implemented on Saudis pursuing either undergraduate or postgraduate level degrees is decreased competition for international applicants looking for positions in institutions located inside Saudi Arabia (Hayat & Yousif 2021). While some might view this as an advantage for prospective employees who are foreign nationals seeking work abroad; however when considering long-term trends such as reduced funding towards universities that provide medical training programs which could lead to fewer students enrolling causing an overall decrease in quality standards (Tahir 2019) it becomes increasingly apparent that reliance on imported labor can ultimately hurt local communities if measures are not taken towards achieving sustainable growth through domestic solutions.

Additionally, while it may seem like cost savings would be realized through hiring non-Saudi workers instead; reality paints another picture where wages tend to increase over time as demand rises due increased competition among employers vying for skilled talent (Shahid & Albadran 2021). It should also be noted that relying too heavily on foreign laborers can create a situation where national resources become underutilized since few locals actually benefit from these positions being filled externally instead–which could result diminishing investment towards developing human capital inside one’s own country over longer periods leading up even more difficulties down line.

Finally there is concern regarding whether current systems used evaluate individuals ability perform specific tasks accurately enough accommodate new influx professionals coming from different countries backgrounds experiences cultural values beliefs etc thus potentially compromising safety patients depending upon what type environment exposed during these formative stages job training competency evaluation etc… All things considered while stop hiring Saudian diploma holders close public private health institutes ultimately help manage costs certain degree outcome still remains unknown especially regards long-term implications….

Overall it appears clear that stopping the recruitment of Saudis holding diplomas or higher qualifications alongside closing public/private health institutes(s) carries distinct consequences ranging from limitations placed upon professional advancement opportunities all way rising wages lose out domestic investments resources development -and given nature field thorough consideration need before implementing any sweeping policies governing same regardless intent behind them.. As such further research must conducted into matter determine just how far reaching effects might prove so right steps taken ensure nation’s citizens receive highest possible care both short term future prospects alike….

Question 2: What are the Consequences of Stop Recruiting Nursing Diploma Holders?

The decision by Saudi Arabia’s governmental bodies’ directive against recruiting nurse diploma holders has had numerous ramifications throughout healthcare industry nationwide –resulting range issues related budget concerns individual career opportunities patient safety even socio-cultural matters… Firstly economic repercussions have surfaced most prominently financial losses incurred hospitals after forced closure several sites offer services resulting deprived revenue stream generated previously aided keeping doors open…. Secondly affected personnel particularly those holding diplomas degrees saw decrease visibility terms chances getting employed meaning less access full scope benefits offered such roles….. Thirdly potential exists lowered standard care receiving citizens –due preoccupation providing essential primary treatments cutting back extra services…. Fourthly abrupt modification puts strain already strained infrastructure system attempting bridge gap between requirements needs without sufficient replacements hand leave gaps unfilled possibly resulting further delays response times staff shortages inadequate equipment etc… Lastly due demographic composition composition workforce changes with influx overseas candidates primarily non-Arabic speaking countries means existing language faith barriers need addressed prevent areas miscommunication misunderstandings occur when interacting patients members community at large. All told without proper thought preparation put forth ahead time decisions restrict recruit hire diploma holders close facilities therein carry unintended yet far reaching consequences society whole possibility jeopardize perceived value service rendered detriment entire population…….

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