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In the first millennium BCE, both South Asia and the Mediterranean basin experienced significant economic growth. This was due to a number of factors, including increased agricultural productivity and trade networks linked by caravan routes. In South Asia, this period coincided with the rise of cities such as Taxila and Pataliputra which became centers of political power. The development of these urban centers allowed for new ideas to spread quickly throughout the region; Vedic religion developed in this period, as well as early forms of Hinduism and Buddhism.

The Mediterranean basin also saw an economic boom during this period. The Phoenicians emerged as a dominant trading power in this region, linking the ancient world through their extensive maritime trading networks that stretched from North Africa to Europe and even into India. These trade connections allowed for goods such as olive oil, wine, spices, textiles, pottery and metals to travel across continents before being exchanged in markets at various ports along the Mediterranean coastlines. By strengthening existing political ties between different regions while creating new ones at the same time – it contributed significantly to cultural exchange across countries. This is evidenced by Greek thinkers such as Herodotus who wrote extensively about other cultures outside Greece despite never having visited them himself – something made possible through these expanded trade routes.

By facilitating access to resources from different parts of the world while connecting people from diverse societies, these increasing economic developments had a direct effect on both urban societies and philosophical thought in both South Asia and Mediterranean Basin during this period: New religions flourished alongside increased commerce; thinkers like Heraclitus examined themes related to human life based on his observations; philosophies such as Stoicism were born out of contemplation over universal questions about existence; mathematics advanced with Hipparchus’ discovery of longitude thanks to growing maritime knowledge; technology advanced with inventions like Archimedes’ screw pump water-lifting machine or Hero’s steam turbine engine (aeolipile); medical science improved drastically with contributions made by Galen on anatomy; legal systems evolved thanks to advances made in Roman law under Emperor Justinian I– all examples that show how strong these two regions grew economically during this age catalyzing rapid advances within society largely underpinned by intellectual exploration spurred on by increased access afforded by flourishing economies contributing positively towards better quality lives for those living there at time

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