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1. Using Statistical Analysis to Predict Criminal Behavior: This research has been used in the criminal justice system to help law enforcement identify and track people that may be likely to commit harmful or criminal acts. By using statistical analysis, law enforcement can use data from previous convictions and other factors to determine who is at risk of committing a crime. The effects of this research have been positive in that it has allowed for more effective resource allocation by police forces and more accurate predictions on potential behavior patterns for criminals.

2. Facial Recognition Technology: Research into facial recognition technology has had an impact on the criminal justice system as it allows for faster identification of persons involved in a crime scene or suspected of a crime without having physical contact with them. This technology is increasingly being utilized by law enforcement in various ways such as checking suspects against a database, identifying unknown suspects in video footage, and quickly matching individuals with missing children cases. The effects this research has had are twofold; firstly, facial recognition can reduce response time when searching for someone which increases public safety; secondly, it helps increase accuracy when determining the identity of certain people which leads to better outcomes during trials and investigations.

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